I am disappointed not to have heard anything as the PCP gave me the impression she'd call me fairly early Monday morning but it may not be her fault. Even if it is, I understand doctors have to prioritize in terms of the unexpected. My anxiety may pale in comparison to any number of emergency situations. Also, since I didn't leave the MRI room until after 5:00 pm on Friday, the radiologist may not have the report done. What concerns me the most is my new PCP wanted to try to talk to my ONC today since he was in surgery Friday and I do not want them playing telephone tag to effect how soon I find out if anything showed up on the MRI. Patience is not o

Not a good picture but the one of my daughter on the train in 2001 when we were going from Ulm, Germany on our way to Paris for the weekend is a favorite of mine. It captures something that makes me smile. JF was doing a student exchange between a high school in Ulm and hers in Raleigh and I rather spontaneously decided to fly over for a long weekend and take her to Paris. It seemed like a great mother/daughter outing. I hadn't been to Europe since 1974 when I went with my family for the summer when my Dad was studying in Canterbury. My daughter was studying French and German and the exchange didn't include any travel to France so I decided I should pop over and take her to France. My original idea was the French countryside in search of a chocalatier since we both loved the movie Chocalate. My daughter wanted to go to Paris. I enjoyed Paris when I went with my family in the 1970s so I said sure why not, we can find a chocalatier in Paris. We had a blast. Although this isn't a great picture it makes me think of that trip and I can hear my daughter saying, mom let me do the talking, I know you studied French a long time ago but if you try to speak French everyone will switch to english.
1 comment:
Sorry for no news Carver, lets hope no news is good news :-)
Like the witchy picture, your right your both as cute as bugs in a rug.
It will be okay, JSS......
jane say so :-)
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