I finally got going on christmas this weekend and pretty much did the shopping and little bit of decorating I'm doing this year. I thought I'd post some of my snow shots from past winters to get even more in the mood although it almost never snows here for christmas. As a child all of my white christmas memories were in Boone visiting my Grandmother. I think we have had a few almost white christmases but they were more a light covering. Looking at the dates of my old snow shots, I'm amused at the range with some in November, some January and some March but none are December. I have a Charlie Brown tree this year and it cracks me up. I cut it down from my front yard. It is a volunteer cedar which I almost pull

ed up as a weed but I thought to myself, no I'll let it grow a few years and then use it as a small Christmas tree. That's what I did. I have some pine trees that volunteered and I'm letting them grow for the same reason. The days are long gone when I move most of the furniture out of my living room so it will accomodate a tree large enough for my bazillion ornaments. I used to enjoy that but it's not a priority for me any more. Besides, my Charlie Brown tree amuses me and is more than enough. I also have a small table top tree and have hung ornaments on odd places like cabinet latches and curtain rods so I can use some of my favorites that won't fit on my little

trees. I have never quite lost my child like enjoyment of the magic of days that are out of the ordinary. Doesn't have to be Christmas magic but anything fanciful tends to strike my fancy. Maybe that's why I believed that a wiked witch had changed me into a human being for so long. I was far to old to continue to believe that I was a fairy princess but I held onto that fantasy for a long time. I came to appreciate my life as an adult but I was far more comfortable with make belive as a child. Perhaps that's why I am so fearful of immunotherapy type treatments for melanoma. I don't want to risk a treatment that messes with me mentaly. It would be different if the stats were better but I was afraid of i

nterferon more for the slight chance of long term mental side effects than the physical ones. I have never been mentally ill but I've always been a wee bit eccentric and I fear becoming more so. My balance of eccentricities is about all I can handle. I guess I'll leave it here with my Charlie Brown Christmas tree which fit in without moving a thing. It makes me laugh everytime I look at it and that's a good thing in my book.