In the jumble of volunteers in my front garden I spotted a burst of red and sure enough a maple tree had volunteered to take the place of one of the oak trees I lost some years ago. I will have to find the energy to go out with my clippers and cut the other volunteers in the area so the maple will be the one that gets to rule. I used to have a mature maple that was my one big casualty during hurricane fran and I've missed it. I have mature oak trees and a dogwood in my front garden which is my shaded area with my sun garden being in the back of my house. If I keep letting volunteers get established in the back, I won't have much of a sun garden but I can't bear to cut down cherry trees that were kind enough to join me in the back. I also have several large mullberry tress which volunteered in my sun garden. I love volunteers in my garden. The surprise of it all. The maple was an especially pleasant surprise. There is so much sadness in the world that sometimes all I can do is focus on the sounds, sights and smells which are constant companions. I rub the lavender between my fingers and cover my face for relaxation. Mint is also good for that and I have a ton of mint. Lantanna, rosemary and even the musty sage have smells that send me to a better place. Perhaps that's what I'll do right now, go pick some mint and lavender and cover my face.
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