Saturday PhotoHunt: Two

I have recently found out about a fun blogger activity called PhotoHunt. The basic idea is that there are pre-selected themes and anyone who wants to play can go to the theme list and see what the theme for a given Saturday might be. Then you can tag your post to make it easy for others to find you. You can also add a comment to the home page , if you like, after you post.
My first photograph for this week's theme is the cropped goose above the Photo Hunter button, at the top. It occurred to me that the shape of the body of the goose looked similar to a 2. I also liked the pair of geese I photographed last fall and therefore, I am including them below since they add up to 2 geese. The advantage to beginning with a theme like 2 is that I have loads of photographs which I've taken in the past that work with that theme. For fun, I took some more to add to what I already had on hand. The disadvantage to a theme like 2 is there are two or rather too many possibilities. I hope it's alright that I went with too many photographs.
The photo above is a close-up of two ameliopsis berries. They are quite small but I like the way they look together in a close-up shot. The one below cracks me up because the two ducks are simultaneously scratching an itch. Not that I find having an itch that's hard to scratch particularly amusing but if someone took a candid shot of me and a friend and we were both scratching an itch, completely irrespective of what the other was doing, it might be amusing after the fact. I mention that so any ducks reading don't think I'm picking on them.
I took the photograph of the two morning glory flowers, below, a week or so ago. I've been taking a lot of closeup shots of individual morning glories but there was something about these two that called out to be kept together.
A couple of cups were calling me to include them as another two. If I were a poet I'd probably try to come up with a poem for a couple a cups. I'll spare you my couple a cups poem since I'm not a poet. I rarely use those cups but looking at them on my screen makes me think I should have someone over for a tea party. Maybe I will.
I think I'll end Theme Two Saturday with a perfect pair. Those two would be lovely as individuals but my romantic side enjoys the way they are heading out together into the sunset on the clear lake. The place holder for PhotoHunt 71: Two on the hosts site is one way to get links to other PhotoHunter's, take on two, if you are interested. You can also use any of the zillion alternate links I have scattered around. Hey, this is my first time and I'm trying . . . 
oh loving those berries, great colors
Those berries are sO pretty! Are they edible?
Hi Jenny and Melli,
Thanks for stopping by. Melli the berries are a favorite with the birds but I don't think edible for humans. I have blueberry bushes but they were all picked in July. Take care, Carver
wow, you have beautiful photos! i think you have a good eye for photography.
my, the morning glory is really something. looks like there's light coming from the inside.
great photos for the theme!
Welcome to the hunt! :)
Great shots. My favorite is the morning glories.
Welcome to Photo Hunt and NICE photos!
Hi Ipanema, Whirlwind, and Sabinem, Thanks for stopping by. I am enjoying PhotoHunt.
Your photos of "two" are wonderful. The berries are beautiful but the flowers are stunning. I love the ducks!! Thanks for visiting and happy Saturday!!
A great set of pictures! Welcome to the Photo Hunt :)
Looks like you went a bit too 'two' crazy.
Excellent shots you have there for the theme, I love the colors of the berries. Welcome to the hunt!
Have a great weekend!
entry #1
entry #2
Welcome to the PhotoHunt - and be careful because it's addictive!!!
Beautiful photos for the TWO theme. Look forward to next week's pics! :)
lovely shots for this week's theme! specially the morning glory flowers and the scratching ducks. ;P
thanks for dropping by,
and welcome to the hunt! :)
such vivid color on those berries and the flower!! wonderful job--welcome.
Welcome to Photo Hunt.
Lovely photos - those berries look yummy!
They remind me of my favorite blueberries.
Thanks for visiting my site.
Look forward to visiting you next week,
All the photos are so great! But the blue berries and the ducks and geese: now those I love!!
Those two geese or is it goose are wonderful. All great choice for photo hunt. I hope you enjoy photo hunt as I do. Welcome!
Looks like you've got off to a great start with the Photo Hunt! Especially love your picture of the morning glory flowers. :)
Hi C&J'sMama, A., Roman, Sabine, Maylah,tegderb92, Frances, Meeyawn, Lissa, and Yts,
Thanks for stopping by. I'm enjoying visiting the sites and appreciate your comments on mine. Carver
never thought of ducks looking like a 2 - great shots - welcome to the PhotoHunt - Enjoy
Welcome to the hunt, your pictures are awesome!!!
Lots of twos, my favorite is the berries - they are beautiful!
Welcome to photo hunt. You have some great photos for this theme.
It was hard to stop this week, as there are so many possibilities.
Wow! You are an awesome photographer! What great skills you have! Welcome to the hunt!
Awesome photography! I love all the photos.
Hi Larry, Mar, Goofy Girl, JMB, Hummy, Ladynred,
Thanks so much for stopping by and commenting. I'm enjoying seeing what everyone is doing with this theme. Take care, Carver
These are all great. I have quite a few duck shots on my photoblog. The berries are so pretty.
These are all great choices for the theme! I especially like those berries! :)
Thanks for your visit to It's A Blog Eat Blog World.
I love the berries & the duckies!
But my favorite are the morning glories - such radiant colors!
thanks for sharing those pictures the ducks are my fav
Hi Nancy, Sue, Morgen, and Mousey,
Thanks for stopping by and commenting.
I LOVE the duck shots.... awesome job. All of them are great for the theme. I never thought about the goose looking like a 2. Very clever.
Ah, a lot of very lovely photos indeed! I love the light in them, especially the morning glories of course!!!
Thanks for stopping by, I hope it won't be the last time :-)
Great photos! You have a good eye.
Kim @ TheBitterBall
Hi and Welcome to Photo Hunters!!
You have such a pretty blog. All of your photos are so colorful and happy, even the spider :)
Hope to see you next week!
Hi present storm, Cap. Lifecruiser, Kim, and Cats-G.-Q., Thanks for stopping by.
Wow. You have great photography skill
I loved all your entries! BUT I thought it very ingenious of you to see the "2" in the bird -- forgot if it was a goose or what -- sorry!
Come and see mine -- got it up a bit late since I was moving this week.
wow! these are great shots! i hope in time i'll be able to take pics as beautiful as these!
btw, thanks for visiting my site!
You had just TOO much fun with TWO! I hope TO see more of your pictures in the furure.
Hi, Paulie, Karen and April, Thanks for stopping by. I have had so much fun with this.
nice shots. Love the duck scratching shot the most :)
Just love the berries. Nice colors :) Here's mine
Hi Chen and Changeiam,
Thanks for stopping by.
Gorgeous photos! Welcome to the Hunt!
Hi Clare,
Thanks for visiting and welcoming me.
Very nice photos! Love them all. Welcome to the hunt!
Photo Hunters
Thanks for stopping by June.
These are all wonderful but the morning glories are by far my a favorite. Very nicely done.
Thanks for dropping by This Simple Life.
'Welcome to photo hunters! Great photos for your first entry. Love the baby ducklings. Mine is up, please stop by and visit. Have a good week.
Lots of good 'two' shots!
Toni, Photoshirl, and Kissedalatatoads, Thanks for stopping by.
Looking forward to the photohunt next week.
I love photographs of nature and the ducks are lovely. Your photography is great.
Sara from farmingfriends
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