The photographs which I selected are about a beautiful dance between a couple of butterflies. The dirty part is how I accidentally kept interrupting them. They would get right up to the moment of coupling and then be startled by me trying to take a picture. Here's an example of a tender moment I interrupted.

I'm looking forward to seeing what kind of dirty pictures the rest of the photo hunters came up with for this week's photo hunt. The links at the bottom of this post will take you to the other photohunters. Saturday is the photo hunt day but I'm posting early and what with time differences it's Saturday somewhere. To find out how to join the hunt and play with us you can go here.
I am adding my fortune to this post at the end. A blogger had linked a place where you can get your fortune and I got mine on Thursday. Here it is. Although my fortune is tame, I think some are dirty to the point of being risque so you might not want to get your fortune there.
My Fortune Cookie told me: People are beginning to notice you. Try dressing before you leave the house. Get a cookie from Miss Fortune |
Great take on "dirty!" Made me laugh!
I love butterflies.
These are fabulous photos!
Where was a bucjet of water when you needed it? Beautiful photos!
Those are some dirty shots you have there. How could you post shots on making love? Haha...just pulling your legs. Anyway, good shots on nature's creation here. Happy Weekend! http://crizlai.blogspot.com/2007/08/photo-hunters-dirty.html
These are about the most beautiful dirty photos I've ever seen!! :)
Nice close up shot ... buttterflies were doing dirty dances.
Hai Carve... thank you for visiting... I thought this week's theme is happy?
Hi Photohunters, Thanks for visiting and Trinity last Saturday was happy and tomorrow is dirty. Depending on your point of view it could still be happy week until tomorrow. I posted a day early.
Take care, Carver
Those are very beautiful photos! I love the colours and the subjects!
wow, such beautiful butterflies!! Great take on this weeks theme.
What's in a word? For heaven's sake...I just got in fwom mowing the gwass and puwwing weeds. Yep. Poster child for your Photo Hunt this week. But no, you decide to be the twecherous twickster and just pway a somewhat dirty twick on a couple unsuspecting butterfwies.
This could get vewy intewesting. Vewy intewesting indeed!
There's something scoowey awound here!
Love, K. Fudd
Censorship feeds the dirty mind more than the four-letter word itself.
-Dick Cavett
These photos are fantastic! Have a terrific weekend, and happy photo hunting!
LOL, great take on the "dirty" theme!
Awww...they needed a moment apparently!
Very good take on "dirty" this week. Great photos too for interrupting nature. Your fortune was too funny! Have a good weekend.
haha... that is too funny!! The butterflies are so beautiful!
I appreciate the photohunter comments and am enjoying visiting the dirty sites. And Kim, I can hear you talking like like Elmer Fudd. Too funny. Great quote too.
Those are such gorgeous photos!
But poor butterflies!
You should've told them to get a room. But wow those are some beautiful dirty pictures! I can see how you were compelled to be a voyeur. Great take on this week's theme, thanks for the chuckle. Happy hunting!
Great photos - Beautiful dirty is right.
that's a great take on the theme...dirty thoughts. :)
hahahaa. that was really creative i must say.
have a great weekend !
Wow - what gorgeous and "dirty" photos!! :-)
Happy Weekend.
That's a great take on this weeks theme! What fun!
This si the first post I've seen with THAT kind of dirty! heehee! They are so lovely there together, though, I understand why you took so many shots.
These photos are great..love the color. Ha-ha, what a dirty thoughts!
I love butterflies! I like the creative way you used these beautiful photos for this week's theme. I guess the couple of butterflies weren't so glad to be the focus of attention at that time. :)
brilliant shots, but I agree, I'd feel cruel interrupting them as well!
Ok, yeah, that was not what I was expecting! I think your blog needs to be labeled PG-13! hee hee
Hmmm...now there is a different look at the theme! Beautiful photos. Wishing the two of them many...eh...caterpillars???
What an awesome series of photos. I often have to distract or explain to the kids at moments like these--especially with bugs. They LOVE bugs.
LOL! Fantastic pics!! They're going to make some beautiful butterflies! ;)
great "dirty" shots! :)
lovely take for his week's theme!
happy hunting!
Beautiful photos! Nice entry!
love the photos and very funny too!lol
opps! that was me the Anonymous..
Great pictures you got!...Have a great weekend!...c",)
lovely butterflies, i have a hard time taking pics of them bec. they fly soon enough b4 i take a shot. What a diff. take at the theme
What a great story to go with your Tiger Swallowtail butterflies!
Come see mine.
Those are beautiful photos! Amazing how you captured them, even if you felt "dirty" doing so. Gorgeous shots.
hahahah, Beautiful dirty shots. Your post is indeed unique :D
Great! A wonderful way to interpret the theme.
What a funny take on "dirty'!! Your shots are beautiful.
What a sweet and dirty moment you have captured!
Oh, just beautiful photos and I love your jouraling about them...it shows how you look at the world.
Gosh, those are fantastic photos!!!
The Rocky Mountain Retreat
Hi Carver, lovely photos as usual. I think these are especially beautiful. Good thinking.
Really beautiful shots!!
I love the way you posted your "Dirty" story. :) And the pictures are lovely too!
I sincerely hope nobody does this with you, lol !
Lol... beautiful shots.
Those are beautiful photos! I was wondering how you were going to weave "dirty" into them, and you did a great job.
What a fun and funny post! Original too -- well done! :)
Fun shots. Cute fortune!
Thanks so much to all the photohunters. I am having fun seeing everyone's take on dirty and I appreciate your comments.
What lovely photos, as usual.
Reminds me of a post I did at the end of July about a news report of policemen, in Germany, investigating suspicious noises, flooding a garden with light and finding 2 hedgehogs doing what comes naturally. They promptly turned off the lights and left! Glad you weren't so squeamish, though, 'cos they're superb pictures.
By the way I've now posted the pictures of my Rose of Sharon plants, if you'd care to drop by.
I love the direction you took this week's theme. Too funny. Great shots too by the way.
Kim @ TheBitterBall
yes this made me laugh also! Great take on the theme!
thanks for visiting. loved your fortune too.
Beautiful photos!!!
Mama Bear
great shots TQ
those were the prettiest dirty photos I have seen!
I liked your "dirty" story. Your photos are beautiful.
that was just too cute... tastefully done....
The dirt on the birds and the bees (well in this case the butterflies)..
What great pictures you've captured. The butterflies are gorgeous.
These photographs are beautiful as are the butterflies even if they are getting down and dirty!!!
Sara from farmingfriends
best "dirty" pictures. i always try to take pics of butterflies, but i have a fear of them, so i can't get close enough to get a good one.
Great sequence of photos for the theme, I enjoyed them very much :)
You are mean, mean, mean. Just like our kids, every so often they would knock on the door late at night and we had to pretend we were sleeping already, wink, wink.
Very nice! I love the pictures. Thanks for stopping by my place!
Wow, such lovely photos. Great take on the theme. :)
Love the interpretation of "dirty". And what gorgeous, vibrant colours. Lovely pics.
Hello, This is my first visit, you are a gifted photographer I have enjoyed your blog. Come over for a visit sometime.
Great photos!
Photo Hunters
Very original! Nice take on the theme today.
Your photos are beautiful.
Great action shots! Bug porn!
Thanks for stopping by mine :)
What a fun set of "dirty" photos! Your interpretation made me laugh! Thanks for the chuckle!
(Beautiful butterflies too)
I can imagine how I'd feel a bit dirty, too :)
Thanks again to all the photohunters for stopping by. I tried to visit everyone. If I didn't it's because some links weren't working. I am enjoying the photohunt a bunch and interesting to see all the different takes on the same theme.
maybe I have a "dirty" mind too, that is where my mind went when I heard the topic this week- great photos!!! love it
Haha, those shy butterflies!!
A whole different kind of dirty - I love it!
butterfly sex! I think I need to take a cold shower. lol
that's a very interesting take on our theme for the week. great shots!
Hi Carver,Thanks for visiting my place today.I love your close up shots of the butterflies...What a clever take on the theme.... Baba
very interesting take on the theme. love the colors!
wow those are really great shots. Beautiful garden you have!
Those butterflies are beautiful. Great take on this week's theme! Thanks for stopping by & have a great weekend!
A lovely story with butterflies! thanks Carver! Sure I will dream about them! It's really a good idea you had for the theme and marvelous photos!
Great shots!
Very creative and funny! Beautiful shots!
I don't know, disturbing butterflies trying to mate ...Photographers eh, what they will do for a good photo.
Cheers Mark
Wonderful photos! I love the butterflys, even if they were in a private moment. Have a wonderful weekend!!
Thanks again to all the photohunters. I appreciate your visiting and commenting so much. It's been fun seeing what everyone did with this theme.
Hilarious take on "dirty." Lovely photos!
great take on the "dirty" theme. cheers!
beautifully "dirty" photos - thxs for stopping by my photohunt entry too
Aww, poor butterflies. I think I'd be bugged too if a human kept trying to snap pictures of me in the throes of passion. LOL
Beautiful photos though. Thanks for stopping by!
awwww, what sweet butterfly love!!! thanks for visiting!
Haha, watch out, I was almost tempted to join photohunters myself and make a dirty martini and take a pic for my foodblog ;-)
97 comments, wow, mom's popular! I'm glad I don't have that many... I'd never get any work done!
Thanks again to the photohunters for visiting.
Hi Judith,
You should play when you have time. You can spend as much or as little time as you want. It's not that I'm popular it's that I got addicted. I want to see what everyone does with the themes so I visit EVERYONE that plays and leave a comment. I won't always have time to do that but I'd like to because it's fun. Love, Mom
Whoa, 100th comment. Anyway, thanks for leaving a comment on my blog. Glad to have found you, you have absolutely gorgeous photos on your blog, and I love your take on this theme.
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