
Friday, May 17, 2013

photohunters: Show Hands and Glass

I am showing you one of my hands holding a glass.


Susan Demeter said...

Great way to combine both themes. Lovely glass :) Happy weekend!

my Photo Hunt blog entry for this week

Thank you for stopping by :)

Photo Cache said...

looks like a neat irish design glass you have there.

happy weekend.\

eastcoastlife said...

The glass is too pretty glass to be used. Hope you have a dozen of them in case one is broken :P

Cezar and Léia said...

Dear Carver, you inspire our imagination with your posts!This one is spectacular, I love your creative idea!
happy weekend,

YTSL said...

Thta's a beautiful glass you've got in your hand, Carver. :)

Anonymous said...

That is a gorgeous glass!

Have a super weekend.

bingskee said...

creative! :)

that's a lovely glass. can't say anything about the hand, it's only a little that i see. :D

Ingrid said...

Nice combination of both themes !!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Pretty! I could have done that combo -- my hands have a glass in them quite often ;>)