
Friday, May 31, 2013

Photohunters: Quaggy and Red

When I saw that one of the photohunters words was quaggy, I looked through my old shots for wetlands.
I found these shots I took of the wetlands beside the Cape Fear River in eastern North Carolina.
I was delighted that these shots were not only of a quaggy terrain but that they also had red in them for the other photohunt theme.
I also found a shot of a flooded trail in the western part of NC that I think qualifies for quaggy and red too.


Anonymous said...

good take on both themes. i had a really tough time today with quaggy.

have a wonderful weekend.

eastcoastlife said...

Quaggy terrain turns out looking good in our photos. :)
Happy photohunting!

YTSL said...

I think you did well for the two themes this week, Carver. And Cape Fear -- I've been there!!! :O

Ingrid said...

I still don't know what "quaggy" means, it doesn't exist in my dictionary and my corrector puts it in red, lol ! Your photos are very beautiful !

magiceye said...

Lovely takes!!

Trekcapri said...

Hi Carver, very cool photos and wonderful choices for the two themes.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Anonymous said...

Lots of quagginess (is that even a word?) in those shots. Perfect for this week's theme. Have a super weekend.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Quaggy! I love that word. I live in a quaggy area, but I've never heard anyone use the word.