
Friday, April 26, 2013

Photohunters: Zoom Coffee or Tea

When I first figured out how to combine the two photohunters themes, I thought I was dealing with Zoom (Sandy's phohunt) and a picture of chaos (Gattina's photohunt).
Therefore, I got juiced up on coffee and zoomed in on my chaotic azaleas that make it hard to get through the gate into my backyard.
However, I found out that Gattina's theme had changed from when I printed out her theme list and this week the theme is Coffee or Tea? instead of a picture of chaos. Since I like coffee for caffeine and tea for relaxation, I zoomed in on my tea sitting on top of the coffee tupperware to update my post.


Crafty Green Poet said...

lovely azaleas!

Unknown said...

WOW ! You've got such beautiful flowers on your backyard !

Susan Demeter said...

Beautiful pics! I am so missing Spring right now. Its been an extra long winter in our parts. The theme changed? Uh oh....

my Photo Hunt blog entry for this week

Happy photo hunting! And Happy Weekend!

MaR said...

What a beautiful chaos!! I too noticed the theme was changed to more ordently coffee or tea :) Lovely shots as always.
Happy weekend, Carver!


eastcoastlife said...

Love your beautiful azaleas! I always look forward to the blooms in your garden.

Oh no, I wasn't aware of Gattina changing the theme.

Anonymous said...

good job,your azaleas are wonderful.

still haven't put up mine yet. still thinking how to go about these themes.

Gerald (SK14) said...

caffene free herbal tea - must look out for that

YTSL said...

While, you got in three Photo Hunt themes (albeit including one that got changed!) into a single blog entry! Well done Carver! :)

Ingrid said...

Must be a good tea if it is like the package looks !
Love the zoom on the flowers !

Sandi @the WhistleStop Cafe said...

Your blooms are beautiful this year~ spring is my favorite time!
Happy Hunting~

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

I love your azaleas. (another flower I miss seeing nowadays). And you successfully combined three themes this time!

A Colorful World said...

So beautiful! Love them all, and miss them! :-)