
Tuesday, April 09, 2013

Nature Notes: Early April

Spring is in full swing where I live (central NC).
Last week we still had chilly weather but this week is quite warm.
I was glad to see in the forecast that next week will be cooler because I'm not in any hurry for summer.
My oak trees are beginning to get their little pollen sacs that give them a feathery look.
The cherry trees in my back yard are getting tiny leaves.
The redbud trees brighten up gray wet days.
The grackles are hunting and pecking for food.
I think I spot something in the male cardinals mouth.
I always glance at clover to see if I can easily spot a four leaf clover.
I didn't see any four leaf clover but I think the clover below almost looks like some kind of creature.
I still have some narcissus to photograph and I never tire of it.


Jenn Jilks said...

This is beautiful! I always check out my blog buddies to the south, where I know spring will arrive!
Cheers from Cottage Country!

Unknown said...

so beautiful... you're like in paradise ! Strange, I've got a feeling that I found four leaf clover... or maybe I wished so much to find it ;)
Best regards from Sarajevo !

Cezar and Léia said...

Bonjour dear Carver,
All nature is happy because it's Spring!Your pictures are fabulous, I love the little bird and the yellow flower!

Karen said...

Your spring shots are lovely. Just what I heed to see, as there are tiny snowflakes falling outside my window.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Your April flowers are wonderful; I really do think you live in Paradise (at least this time of the year). And oh no you don't want to rush summer...spring just got there!

Dianne said...

things look so pretty in your neck of the woods
we're a bit behind you here in NJ but the past few days of warmer temps are moving things along
I too prefer the cooler temps, I'm in no hurry for summer either

MyMaracas said...

Spring is a good bit further along in your neck of the woods. Thanks for sharing it!

DeniseinVA said...

I love all these spring photos Carver, it's good to have some warm weather once again.

Cynthia M. said...

I can imagine how many of your blooms brighten up rainy spring days! You're definitely further along than we are here in MA, but I love seeing what's coming our way!

Laura said...

wow carver... I can't wait for that to happen here too!

Ingrid said...

I am very jealous ! Nothing here, nature naked, it's cold and on top it rains !

Crafty Green Poet said...

lovely photos! I met someone once who collected four leaf clovers, she had a whole scrapbook full of them.

NatureFootstep said...

you are ahead of us. So nice to see flowers again.

Rambling Woods said...

beautiful Carver..still waiting for spring here..michelle

Arija said...

great to see all the wonders bursting into bloom around you.