
Friday, April 19, 2013

Photohunters: Wither in a Park

In order to combine the two themes (Wither and In a Park) I had to look through my end of summer photo archives.
Both shots were taken in a Durham, NC garden in a downtown park when the flowers and plants were starting to wither at summer's end.


Unknown said...

Beautiful captures !

Cezar and Léia said...

you found a bench, this is beautiful!

Susan Demeter said...

Perfect captures! I was just doing the same thing looking through Fall pics to combine themes. Happy weekend and photo hunting Carver :)

my Photo Hunt blog entry for this week

Anonymous said...

i don't take new photos for photo hunt themes. i just scour my archives.

these two are perfect for the combined themes.

YTSL said...

When I saw Sandi and Gattina's Photo Hunt themes for this week, I figured they'd be easy to combine. But the truth of the matter is that I've got more photos of nature bursting with life than looking withered. Get the impression that's the case for you too Carver! :)

eastcoastlife said...

I am also used to taking photos of things that are bursting with life. For this week's theme, I had to go outdoors for a photo of a withered plant :)

Anonymous said...

I think that that is my least favourite time of the year - when the garden withers away for a sleep.

Ingrid said...

Old or not, they are beautiful and perfect to combine both themes !

peppylady (Dora) said...

I'm to late visiting blogs. I want to get my self a lap top out here there not much for connection for the internet.
So when I go into town I can get wi fi.
I'm not ready for plants to start to wither away...Just as finished winter.
Coffee is on.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

I'll try to make time to visit some of the other entrants to 'wither' because I can't imagine that anyone else but you could have made that theme so beautiful!