
Sunday, September 27, 2009

Today's Flowers: Mums Hanging at the Supermarket


This time of year there are a ton of chrysanthemums on sale outside the supermarkets in my town.


It's almost sad to me because so many of them will sit out until a hard frost without ever being sold and planted in the ground.


They are pretty to look at and photograph before I go inside the store to do my shopping.


I've never bought chrysanthemums to plant in the fall but I used to start them from seed. Some years I grew a wide variety of chrysanthemums from seed, successfully, but I haven't done that it ages.


For more flowers from around the world, please visit the home of Today's Flowers.


Cezar and Léia said...

This is flower heaven! :)
Very beautiful!
God bless you!

Randi said...

Lovely bright colours!

Regina said...

Beautiful blooms!

Luiz ?Ramos said...

These outside markets are beautiful here too.
Great shots.

Carletta said...

Beautiful Carver! I love the second shot of the different colors hanging together - nice contrasts.

Carletta’s Captures.

DeniseinVA said...

Bright and colorful flowers you have shared with us today Carver. Thank you for making me smile first thing in the morning. Great photos, all of them.

Leora said...

Wonderful, all the varieties of mums you posted. How exciting to start mums from seed - maybe one day I'll do that.

Anonymous said...

Wow,they are such beautiful colors and love the bed of them...

Nance said...

Nice shots, Carver! I agree with you about mums not being sad to see them wilt.

Ebie said...

I am drawn into fall colors. And you took lovely shots! Lucky you to take those shots. I am so hesitant to take photos at the supermarket. I am also hesitant to ask permission. said...

I love to visit flowers market, Carver.
And u posted nice macro it..have a nce day

Lui said...

Mums are cheery blooms. Too bad we can't plant them in our house Heaven.

Rambling Woods said...

It is sad isn't it. I thought of what a waste that is..but I think the same of live Christmas trees... Michelle

Christy Woolum said...

Nothing, nothing, nothing says fall like mums. Outstanding photos.

Daryl said...

These make me wish the weather were nice, it is pouring, I would have gone to the GreenFlea to get some mums .. maybe next week ..

Bengbeng said...

lovely flowers. this weekend i have tried to plant some flowers too. hope it works out though :)

SquirrelQueen said...

Beautiful photos of those gorgeous blooms. I love all the colors of mums this time of the years but I rarely buy any. I do what you did and take photos of the ones displayed outside stores.

As your said, many will probably freeze and die but we have perserved their beauty in photos.

Through Squirrel Eyes

SandyCarlson said...

Your mums are very beautiful.

ellen said...

Hello! Nice to be here. Wish to hear from you. Have a nice day.

dom said...

Let's keep our hearts open to receiving God's Word, so we can be rooted firmly in the truth. Hope you can find time to drop by to "Living beyond circumstances." God Bless.

Judy said...

I know what you mean about the mums being sad at staying at the store! I tend to avoid them, because of that.

Naturegirl said...

These flowers represent a walk with Autumn..bold bursts of final color ..gorgeous!!

Dora said...

Wow! Like the pic with so many colourful flowers. :D

Tulip said...

what a wonderful colorful chrysanthemum flowers. thanks for visiting on my blog.

Tulip said...

what a beautiful garden with colorful and vibrant flowers.

my entry:

Ascender Rises Above said...

very much the feeling of fall. where did the summer go?

EG CameraGirl said...

Very nice selection of mums!

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Carver: You captured the mums so beautifully, a great Fall flower.

Happily Retired Gal said...

Beautifully colorful blossoms! Thanks for sharing ;--)
Hugs and blessings,

Ayie said...

i see flowers all over =)

MyMaracas said...

Beautiful! I love to see the mums outside all the stores this time of year. It is indeed sad, though, to think that so many will languish there. Maybe there should be mum rescue groups...

Jack and Joann said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog for My World Tuesday and thanks for being a cancer spokesman.