This is the same spider web from my last post but it continues to be a challenge for me. It's pretty remarkable taken as a whole because it spans a large area from a tree to a post five or six feet away. The blossoms from the crepe myrtle caught in the web above are the main reason I've avoided hitting it. It hangs barely above head level and the blossoms look like they are suspended in air until you get to just the right spot to see the web.I've tried all different times of day and light but withoutmoisture on the web it's virtually invisible. Also, I can't figure out how to photograph it as a whole because with a wide shot, all you can see is the background. I may give up because I've been shooting this web several times a day for six days. I was struck by how this mushroom almost looked like a bird bath. It formed a perfect little pool of water in the middle. I've never seen anything quite like it. I'm enjoying the berries which are bursting out all over the place on bushes and vines. The rest of these shots are older ones I never posted but thought I would at some point. I came up with what I thought was a good idea this past spring. I created folders for photographs that I might want to use on my blog at some point. The problem is after doing that for seven months, I have gazillion shots in these folders. The photographs are still in their original files by date but then I save copies which are sized down in the folders for ones I think I might post on my blog.I have divided them into categories to make it easier to locate shots. However, there are so many that I'm considering deleting these copies, and starting fresh. The two shots above are of one of the many vines which grow over my deck. First is the full spring bloom and next after the blossoms fall. When I planted them many years ago, I didn't keep great records but I think it's an ornamental potato vine. The shot above is from my azalea this spring which is on the corner of my house in the front and the bush wraps around to the side. Looking back on the shots of my spring iris motivates me to clean out their bed which is overrun by volunteers. I call them volunteers instead of weeds because the plants which sprang up in the bed are mostly desirable plants but I don't want them to crowd out my lily and iris bed. It's sort of odd to be posting my April iris in September which is part of why I'm considering deleting out my folders where I put shots I might want to post on my blog at some point. Since I still have the original photo files in their folders by date, I can always look back through them if I run out of current photographs to post. It is good how looking over spring shots I didn't post that I find my motivation growing to begin fall clean up. The vine with the white flowers, below the berry shot, is being taken over by volunteer blackberry vines. I love blackberries but there were more than I could eat even sharing generously with the birds. I want to keep some of the blackberry vines but I don't want them to totally choke out the other.The shot above is motivating me to deal with my storage building door frame. The birds drilled holes in the frame and it needs flashing. The tarp on the roof was a stop gap measure to avoid water getting in. The tarp has worked well but photographs with my roses in full bloom, and the privet with its white blossoms in the spring, are ruined by the blue tarp. Maybe looking back on all these shots I didn't post in the spring will be the motivation I need to deal with some of these details in my life that I put off.
Some things like the web weren't meant to be photographed. Try a flash shot late at night. Loved all the pictures that you finally posted from last spring. Wish I had flowers like that.
It's kinda funny that there's a lot of talk about spring cleaning, but I find myself wanting to do more fall cleaning myself. My friend has chopped down my cherry tree - the previous owner never pruned it and it was at least 30 feet tall, and I couldn't get the cherries - which were pie cherries - and I was tired of dealing with the pits. My folks also helped me clean my garage last week-end . . . not sure what it is about fall that makes me want to clean except that it's the start of a new school year. There's always that anticipatory energy going around. In the spring and summer, I'm just so happy to see warm and sun that I just want to play - and I am usually ready for the break from school, too.
Anyway, good luck on getting around to those chores!
Interesting discussion about your photo folders, I have not done any of this but keep them still by date. I have worried about filling my hard drive with so many copies but if you store them in a reduced size, that it partly solving that problem.
You did a good job with the spider web. I have no success. I tried once to take about a dozen shots of an intriguing web and it never, not even once, appeared in the photos. :(
oh... the spider webs are stunning! and with the winter approaching it might be nice to look at the spring blossoms once in a while (they may be out of season but no less beautiful for that)
Hi Carver,
I really like your spider web shots that you captured with the dew. Very cool. Have a great thursday...
Your spider web shots are truly amazing,
Some things like the web weren't meant to be photographed. Try a flash shot late at night.
Loved all the pictures that you finally posted from last spring. Wish I had flowers like that.
It's kinda funny that there's a lot of talk about spring cleaning, but I find myself wanting to do more fall cleaning myself. My friend has chopped down my cherry tree - the previous owner never pruned it and it was at least 30 feet tall, and I couldn't get the cherries - which were pie cherries - and I was tired of dealing with the pits. My folks also helped me clean my garage last week-end . . . not sure what it is about fall that makes me want to clean except that it's the start of a new school year. There's always that anticipatory energy going around. In the spring and summer, I'm just so happy to see warm and sun that I just want to play - and I am usually ready for the break from school, too.
Anyway, good luck on getting around to those chores!
Interesting discussion about your photo folders, I have not done any of this but keep them still by date. I have worried about filling my hard drive with so many copies but if you store them in a reduced size, that it partly solving that problem.
Wonderful photos as usual Carver.
You did a good job with the spider web. I have no success. I tried once to take about a dozen shots of an intriguing web and it never, not even once, appeared in the photos. :(
Thanks so much to everyone for visiting and commenting.
oh... the spider webs are stunning!
and with the winter approaching it might be nice to look at the spring blossoms once in a while (they may be out of season but no less beautiful for that)
Those irises are spectacular!
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