
Friday, October 17, 2008

Photohunt: Family

The photohunt theme this week is family. I decided to show you a photograph in my family flip album. Bill took this shot of me and our daughter in 1985, shortly after we got home from the hospital.
So many of the shots Bill took of our daughter as a newborn, with me, only show a part of my body. In one shot I won't use, all you see of me is my breast. In the shot above you only see my lap and torso as is shown above. I remember a time I was bothered by how I almost looked like furniture for the baby. Now I love these shots. You don't need to see my face to see a mother/child bonding. I have another shot from this album in the parallel lives photohunt on Snap2Days.

You can browse other early bird photohunters on technorati - and on Saturday at the home of the hunt here


Napaboaniya.Elaine Ling said...

Family ties, the most important of all in the world :)

MaR said...

Very beautiful, Carver, and what a great idea for the theme.

Avory said...

Haha look at my little alien head.

Photo Cache said...

I couldn't wait for this theme to come because I was excited to see fellow photo hunters' families or their spin on the theme.

Yours is oh so darling. Thanks for sharing this lovely shot of your daughter and some parts of you :D

Happy weekend.

Anonymous said...

This is so beautiful! Wow, she is tiny. Love the composition with the flip book too. Have a nice weekend!

Unknown said...

oh yes, this is so beautiful! Lovely pick for the hunt.

Juliana said...

ah...what a wonderful photo...

Please drop at my PH post also : in HERE or HERE Thanks

Randi said...

That's a gorgeous picture, Carver!
I like your flip album - very creative composition.
I wish you a great weekend!

eastcoastlife said...

hahaha... furniture to the baby. I was the furniture too.
Happy weekend, Carver!

Anonymous said...

This is a beautiful shot!

Happy Weekend.

escape said...

photos are indeed treasures of good memories.

Leslie said...

Oh I love that photo! I have so many of me like that and nursing babies. :)

CRIZ LAI said...

I love it! Well said Carver.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful baby :) I too went with a vintage shot. Have a wonderful weekend!

jams o donnell said...

Wonderful photo Carver. A treasured memory!

jmb said...

Almost put my comment on the wrong post, the screen jumped for some reason!

Great interpretation of this theme Carver. We treasure these photos so much, it just seems like yesterday, doesn't it?

Pretty Life Online said...

Lovely one, great choice for the theme... Have great day! Mine's up too... hope to see you @ my corner!!!

Snap Catch said...

Lovely shot! When you look at your life, the greatest happinesses are family happinesses.... Mine's up too.. Happy weekend!

Anonymous said...

Somehow that photo is heart-tugging. I have a similar shot with my son but that's not what I posted today. :-)

Bengbeng said...

how time flies. it is almost 24 yrs sice that time. so much of a learning curve too raising a child. i still got a long way to go n sometimes i feel it is a daunting task n overwhelming but at the same time we give thanks to God for the honor

Angela said...

Lovely family flip book! So nice to look back.

Anonymous said...

Love this post, so full of love :)

Rach said...

thats a beautiful shot of bonding with a newborn :-)

Leslie: said...

What a sweet photo! I have ones like that, too.

YTSL said...

"I remember a time I was bothered by how I almost looked like furniture for the baby. Now I love these shots. You don't need to see my face to see a mother/child bonding."

With words like these, I just know that you have to be a wonderful mother! :)

Anonymous said...

hello, happy hunting.....mine is up!

Heart of Rachel said...

Strong family ties makes life worth living. Thank you for sharing this precious photo.

Anonymous said...

Adorable,Carver! Soo cute:) Mine is posted HERE. Happy PH!~

bonggamom said...

What a cute photo!

Corey~living and loving said...

it is a lovely photo indeed. I love shots that only show a part of a person like that. they convey emotion very well.
happy weekend.

marcia@joyismygoal said...

aren't those memories just perfect.

Liz Hinds said...

Just perfect.

Sandy said...

So sweet..wish we could keep them like that...

Theresa said...

Love the black and white, your analogy of being furniture made me laugh, although it makes for an interesting theme of an array of baby pictures. I bet your daughter cheerishes them all.

Anonymous said...

awww, aren't babies the most precious things?!

Cafe Munchkin: Family
Mapped Memories: Family

Anonymous said...

What a sweet shot. You can see the love and nurturing even without a face.

Amanda said...

When my husband and I first got together we went on a road trip and I was not too good with my camera back then so often his head was cut off or he was blurred. Today we still have those shots and we laugh at them.

Great family shot!

Have a happy weekend!

Anonymous said...

Lovely photo, and I can see how you must treasure it and the others.

Anonymous said...

that photo is so precious..

Rambling Woods said...

This is a beautiful idea Carver. I need to get some of my photos scanned in. I too am lacking in the early years as I always took the photos.....

Anonymous said...

You're absolutely right! Nice shot...

Patricia said...

Precious, Carver.

sammawow said...

What a wonderful family picture of you and your new daughter!

Cindy said...

lol- guess I can't say it's nice to have a face to put with the name to you, can I? But, you are right- the photo does express bonding very well.
My Family

Anonymous said...

Perfect photo for the theme! And such a wonderful photo filled with memories to treasure!

Dr.John said...

I loved the " baby" picture.

Anonymous said...

She's so tiny... amazing isn't it :-)

Dragonstar said...

I know what you mean - we have a breast-shot too, not for public display!
This is such a lovely photo.

Sienna said...

This is a beautiful photo, I love the way u guys have done this, whether deliberately or not. And an absolutely beautiful baby!
Yes, on the bonding, great, original picture.


SabineM said...

that is the most adorable photo ever! ;-))

Baker Watson said...

Nice shot - I like the flip album - in many ways it is better than a scrapbook or group of photo's in frames - In a flip album each photo has its own chance to shine and it is fun to anticipate what little surprise the next will hold

(thanks for dropping by and the kind comments)