I was tagged by Yummili~cious a Weekend Snapshot participant to do the Show Me What's inside your Handbag tag. My first reaction was if I show you what's inside my handbag, I'll have to kill you. Then I remembered that I recently cleaned it out.Well maybe not that recently. I carry a small backpack everywhere instead of a handbag and you can see it in the back (brown bag). You are supposed to dump it out and describe the contents. When I dumped it on my bed I found the postage stamps I bought and couldn't find (thinking I'd put them away). I had my "world's greatest mother" key chain which my daughter gave me for mother's day one year and on that are my keys. I found a water bottle, address book, camera, scrap paper, appointment book, spare glasses, sun glasses, empty glasses case, altoids, receipts, check book, pen, cosmetic case (which has the things I'm not going to show you but no cosmetics), cell phone, wallet, checkbook, notebook pad, hair brush. Next you're suppose to answer some questions. 1. What's the most important thing in your handbag? Address book 2. What's the most embarrassing thing in your handbook? Contents of the cosmetics case 3. What's the smallest thing in your handbook? A crumb but I threw it away after I dumped the backpack/handbag 4. Is there anything illegal in your handbag? You think I'm actually going to answer that question. I think not. I'm not going to tag anyone but if you want to play the show me your handbag game feel free to consider yourself tagged. I'm going to follow the white rabbit into the tree for a mad hatter tea party so later alligators.
Most important thing in that handbag is that camera!! Hee, hee. Wow that really is quite the cave into that tree trunk...20 pounds less and I might be able to fit in there...NOT!!
Oh, how interesting to have a look of the important items you carry around!! I normally only worry about having 3 things with me: my wallet, my camera and my keys... I keep changing purses and since they have different sizes and pockets, I am always missing something I left in the last purse I was using...
Well that was an interesting handbag.
Wow! You saw the white rabbit and no where his hole is. How lucky can you get. I enjoyed the pictures.
Carver..I thought this was cute and I recently started a personal blog..so I played here..Michelle.
View From The Deck
dang your bag looks good, theres no way i would show you whats in mine...i have not cleaned my out since, July.
Hmm . . . wish I knew what was in that cosmetics bag!! I bet the white rabbit disappeared with those contents after this post, huh?
Most important thing in that handbag is that camera!! Hee, hee. Wow that really is quite the cave into that tree trunk...20 pounds less and I might be able to fit in there...NOT!!
my bag? it's all papers, books and magazines.
Oh, how interesting to have a look of the important items you carry around!! I normally only worry about having 3 things with me: my wallet, my camera and my keys... I keep changing purses and since they have different sizes and pockets, I am always missing something I left in the last purse I was using...
¿you take all that with you all the time in your bag?... your back must hurt!!!... :-)
Interesting post Carver. I must save this up for a day when inspiration falters.
No Kleenex or credit card receipts which seem to float around in my handbag?
You are neat, very organised and neat. Words defy me trying to describe my bag, my backpack, I...I am....unique.
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