Last year around this time I posted about the paint throwers and once again I see it the same way. Where I live the fall colors are getting started in earnest but there is still a lot of green and I feel at times like I'm watching each leaf change.When I look up at the trees and see a spot of color amidst the sea of green it really does look like someone has been throwing paint.There is so much to see both in my yard and as I venture out into the neighborhood. It helps me get at least a little energy for venturing out for fall clean up and neighborhood walks.The shots above are my trees and the ones below are within a few blocks from me. I haven't mentioned my exercise log lately, in part because I hit a summer slump. I have continued to keep it as an ongoing record to help motivate me to be more active. I started my most recent log on March 7, 2008 and for two months I was doing quite well. I reached day 60 having either walked or done an alternate form of exercise for 50 out of 60 days. Then as it inevitably does, the summer heat began to affect my energy. I started driving to stores which were close enough to walk to and my walks were more expeditions than a daily routine. I hit day 218 yesterday with 101 days where I got some form of exercise out of 218 days. Not quite every other day. To me the challenge will be to regain my momentum this fall. I know last fall, or autumn as it's known in many parts of the world, I couldn't get the momentum back. Then it got colder and my motivation didn't return until the spring.To me the reason it's important than I regain my momentum is that I'm not getting any younger and it will not get any easier. It's easy to wallow in self pity if I allow myself to. As I've mentioned many times on this blog when I was in my mid forties I made a conscious decision to hit 50 in great shape. I spent several years getting into increasingly good shape eventually losing most of the weight I gained in my early forties and building up to over 5 mile jogs almost every day. I was also starting to swim and work with weights to mix it up. Then came stage 3 melanoma, the groin lymph node dissection, peripheral neuropathy, myalgia, lymphedema, and I gained back most of the weight that I lost because I couldn't jog or do any intense exercise without pain. Do you hear me splashing in that pool of pity. I haven't done that in a while so one last splash and onward and forward. Or as one of my fellow melanoma bloggers used to say about herself (Heather who sadly didn't survive melanoma), it's time to put on my big girl pants. When I think about Heather, Shannon, Sheila, Kim, Sarah, Michelle, and so many others who didn't survive melanoma and carried on with strength and grace to the end; I can't wallow in the pity pool for very long. I have been so fortunate in so many ways and I have to find a way to keep putting one foot in front of the other. I didn't intend for this post to take this turn but since it did I think I'll stop here. I also think I'll go for a walk sometime today.
I do hope you continue to find motivation to walk and take photos. Photos help spur me on. Walking also really does a lot to encourage your spirit. I'm glad you are a survivor!
I deleted three comments that were all from the same construction equipment site. I know sometimes bloggers have commercial sites and forget to put in their blog address. I almost never delete any comments but when I went to 3 separate comments (using different names) and the links were all to the same construction equipment site, I was pretty sure that it was spam by hand. If I'm mistaken, my apology is extended.
Beautiful shots. I hope you find motivation to go for walks, just think of the amazing shots you have taken during those walks!! (I need to get motivated myself...)
Every now and then we all float over to the deep end, and that's okay, it's bound to happen. However, your words are full of strength and courage despite these adversities. Keeping your head above water isn't always easy, but I am certain that you can hang in there.
Beautiful pictures of fall and sad thoughts. I feel sure you will get your walking going again. Just think of all the beautiful things that just can't be seen as well from the car.
The trees have been turning in my neighborhood for the past couple of weeks and there is now a decidedly crisp temperature in the air. I do like see the results of nature's paint throwing . . . it's better when the sun is shining, for sure.
Here's to keeping up your walking through the winter. This may seem weird to say - but imagine all those people you named there at the end cheering you on and lending you their strength to keep on truckin'!!!
walking it's amazing what it can do for the soul. Wallowing in self pity.....I think not....there are times in our lives when we are faced with life altering conditions and situation...sometimes wallowing is good for the spirit as it helps us all realize what good we have in our lives.
And for you to be out there walking and photographing all the beauty nature has to offer and then share it with all of us....I a very special gift you share....thank you
oh, but the colours surrounding you are gorgeous. i'm not particularly fond of autumn but i enjoy all the colours it wraps itself into. do carry on with your excercise in whichever form. but it's nice to spend much time outside... even if it's hard to get moving, it does a lotof good.
These fall shots, Carver, with a little of color are wonderful! I guess there are ups and downs with any illness and it's okay as long as you try to maintain a positive outlook which you are doing. This is a great post - It would have made a great Ruby Tuesday post too! :)
Carver: A sad post with the thoughts of the Cancer fight balanced against a wonderful set of photos from your Fall scenery. May your fight continue and may you win over your thoughts.
I understand the frustration and I do view it as frustration that you start to get back into better shape and then something sets you back. I have had an ongoing battle with myself due to the treatment with prednisone. The IV doses are so high and they make me so sick with weight gain, temporary diabetes and fatigue that I am set way back. I start back into PT and get to a certain point and then get set back with an illness. The fact that you keep trying to me is the success. It's ok to feel frustrated and sad for a bit and then you pick yourself up and start least that is how I view my illness (ms) which is different from what you are dealing with....
A thoughtful walk with that backdrop for scenery would be reflective indeed.
Best wishes
I do hope you continue to find motivation to walk and take photos. Photos help spur me on. Walking also really does a lot to encourage your spirit. I'm glad you are a survivor!
Thanks for visiting Maddy and Ellen.
I deleted three comments that were all from the same construction equipment site. I know sometimes bloggers have commercial sites and forget to put in their blog address. I almost never delete any comments but when I went to 3 separate comments (using different names) and the links were all to the same construction equipment site, I was pretty sure that it was spam by hand. If I'm mistaken, my apology is extended.
Beautiful shots. I hope you find motivation to go for walks, just think of the amazing shots you have taken during those walks!!
(I need to get motivated myself...)
Every now and then we all float over to the deep end, and that's okay, it's bound to happen.
However, your words are full of strength and courage despite these adversities. Keeping your head above water isn't always easy, but I am certain that you can hang in there.
Beautiful pictures of fall and sad thoughts. I feel sure you will get your walking going again. Just think of all the beautiful things that just can't be seen as well from the car.
6 and 8 are faves. like the macro/shallow depth of field.
8 in particular just really works for me on all levels!
keep being all you can be, as you've said, we owe to those who can no longer...
The trees have been turning in my neighborhood for the past couple of weeks and there is now a decidedly crisp temperature in the air. I do like see the results of nature's paint throwing . . . it's better when the sun is shining, for sure.
Here's to keeping up your walking through the winter. This may seem weird to say - but imagine all those people you named there at the end cheering you on and lending you their strength to keep on truckin'!!!
I'm falling down in the exercise area too, although I don't keep a log. I went back to the gym today for the first time in ten days.
Keep trying Carver. It should be easier now it cooler.
walking it's amazing what it can do for the soul. Wallowing in self pity.....I think not....there are times in our lives when we are faced with life altering conditions and situation...sometimes wallowing is good for the spirit as it helps us all realize what good we have in our lives.
And for you to be out there walking and photographing all the beauty nature has to offer and then share it with all of us....I a very special gift you share....thank you
oh, but the colours surrounding you are gorgeous. i'm not particularly fond of autumn but i enjoy all the colours it wraps itself into. do carry on with your excercise in whichever form. but it's nice to spend much time outside... even if it's hard to get moving, it does a lotof good.
These fall shots, Carver, with a little of color are wonderful! I guess there are ups and downs with any illness and it's okay as long as you try to maintain a positive outlook which you are doing. This is a great post - It would have made a great Ruby Tuesday post too! :)
Carver: A sad post with the thoughts of the Cancer fight balanced against a wonderful set of photos from your Fall scenery. May your fight continue and may you win over your thoughts.
I understand the frustration and I do view it as frustration that you start to get back into better shape and then something sets you back. I have had an ongoing battle with myself due to the treatment with prednisone. The IV doses are so high and they make me so sick with weight gain, temporary diabetes and fatigue that I am set way back. I start back into PT and get to a certain point and then get set back with an illness. The fact that you keep trying to me is the success. It's ok to feel frustrated and sad for a bit and then you pick yourself up and start least that is how I view my illness (ms) which is different from what you are dealing with....
such amazing shots - the orange all in a row!
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