
Friday, July 05, 2013

Photohunters: Go Observe Children

With one photohunt theme being GO and the other being Observe Children, it was fairly easy to combine them.
In the winter when it snows I can observe children go sledding.
If I want to go observe children in the spring and summer it's easy to spot them outside.
In the fall I can go observe children on their bikes.


Susan Demeter said...

Yes, in all 4 season children are definitely out and on the go :) Great photo selection!

my Photo Hunt blog entry for this week

eastcoastlife said...

awwww.... beautiful selection of children playing in all the 4 seasons. My children only have summer all year round in our country.

Anonymous said...

Yes we got sort of a reprieve this week. Observing children is a fun task.

MaR said...

Very nicely done, Carver!! happy weekend

YTSL said...

Guess there are many children around in your neighborhood... ;b

Furries said...

Very creative photos for this week's theme.

Ingrid said...

Children in seasons, what a nice idea !

Anonymous said...

That first photo made me smile - I never think of the south as having that much snow for sledding!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Love the four seasons. (and for once even I could have combined the two photo hunt themes!). The fall picture is my favorite.

SandyCarlson said...

That is a great sequence of photos--innocence is timeless!

Bing said...

the two themes are truly easy to combine as children are always on the go! like it's fun all the time :)