
Friday, July 12, 2013

Photohunters: Flamboyant Workplace

Since my employer lets me work from home most of the time, I thought I'd use my home workplace to combine the two photohunters themes: Your Workplace and Flamboyant.
I have flamboyant music in my workplace and in the winter I have flames in the fireplace which are flamboyant.
I have flamboyant clothes which I use to cover the clutter on a top shelf in my workplace courtesy of my Godmother (born around 1905 and died 1989) who grew up all over the world.
When I'm birdwatching, I mean proofing work, on the daybed in my workplace I sometimes spot a flamboyant bird outside the window.


Ingrid said...

You are so lucky ! such a cosy working place !

MaR said...

I agree with Gattina! and I love your Godmother's flamboyant clotes. Happy weekend, Carver.


MaR said...

I meant clothes, of course...sorry about the typo.

Anonymous said...

Yes you are so lucky you could work at home in your jammies.

Happy weekend.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Gosh I wouldn't have retired when I did if I had had such a flamboyant workplace! That proofing had got to be hard work with the distractions of a day bed and birds outside the window!!

Those clothes are wonderful; she must have been a very interesting person!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Meant to add, my latest post looks as if I stole your header picture, but honestly they really are my own hydrangeas (well, the pictures are my own...the garden is my neighbor's).

Sandi @the WhistleStop Cafe said...

You have some flamboyant cozy clothes!
Happy Hunting y'all~

YTSL said...

There have been periods of my life where I've worked from home. These days, I try to not think of -- and do -- work when I'm at home! Still haven't completely succeeded but I'm working at it and getting there... ;b

aspiritofsimplicity said...

It's great to be able to work from home!

eastcoastlife said...

I love the clothes, I don't think they are flamboyant :)