
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Nature Notes: Dragonfly, towhee and hibiscus

The dragonfly was hiding deep within the bushes but I caught sight of the banded body which made me zoom in to see what was there.
The hibiscus (Rose of Sharon) was curled up like paper with ants crawling in and out.
I was trying to get a shot of a Goldfinch but the male rufous-sided towhee came flying into the bath and scared it off.
I tried to get a shot of a titmouse today but it was too fast for me.
I haven't been taking very many pictures for the past week or so but I did get a bunch of shots of this towhee bathing.
I think they are rather distinguished looking birds.


Leora said...

I think that towhee took over your post! But he is a handsome guy, so no worries.

I have Rose of Sharon blooming in my backyard - I should like inside the flowers to see who is crawling about.

Rambling Woods said...

I would love to id the dragonfly but they are so tough..beautiful coloring on it. My neighbor has that bush and it is beautiful. I do love the bathing birds..I have so many insects as my baths also as the drought continues. I am worried about the pond and the fish in it..Michelle

Pat said...

The Towhee is a lovely little bird. He seems to enjoy the birdbath. Nice dragonfly shot.

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

That's a great picture of the dragonfly - I'd love to get one but they are too fast for me. Your towhee is always a favorite of mine.

eileeninmd said...

Great capture of the dragonfly, Carver. And I love your Towhee shots. They are beautiful birds. Hope you are having a great week!

EG CameraGirl said...

Love the towhee. Would you believe I saw my first towhee about a month ago? I was so excited. Now I see they bathe right outside your window.

SandyCarlson said...

You did a great job capturing that dragonfly! Beautiful post. I feel the refreshment with those birds.

Donna@Gardens Eye View said...

Love the look of the towhee and isn't it wonderful finding dragonflies lighting long enough so we can capture them.

A Colorful World said...

Lovely photos, Carver!