Flowers come alive in the spring even when there is a late snow.
I took these shots in my garden during early March of 2009. The garden boxes below, behind the daffodils, can keep lettuce alive through much of the winter and have heating elements for early seedlings. I confess that I don't garden like I used to so they haven't gotten much use in recent years. My greenhouse behind the garden boxes can also keep plants alive in the winter but I don't do much gardening in there at this point in my life. However, in spite of less plants being tended by me, I'm still very much alive.
My neighbor's camellia bush seemed happy blooming in the snow. I didn't see any shots of my camellia bush in my archives of shots from that spring snow so I'm not sure if they were alive with blooms yet or not.
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Hey, Carver. I like the way you skipped winter and have taken us into spring. MAGIC! :)
I was so thankful to see it was March 2009 even though it's 43 degrees out I still had to go check for snow! Our greenhouse is keeping my banana tree alive, along with my Twisted Hibiscus and the lattice palm. Hope it holds out thru the winter!
it's always a delight to see flowers sitting in the snow in bloom. happy weekend.
Beautiful example of "alive" Carver :) Happy weekend! I'm actually looking forward to our first snowfall
Love the contrast of flowers and snow! beautiful shots and great take on the theme, Carver.
Wow nice shots
Wow nice shots
WE are on the same wavelength my friend. I could only think of spring when the theme came up. Happy weekend. Don't forget to set you clock back.
Beautiful photos and a great take on the theme. I love seeing blossoms in the snow. Not all that common around here since we don't always get snow every winter.
Happy weekend!
Glad to see plants still keeping alive in such harsh weather conditions. You're tough, Carver. Happy weekend!
yes, after winter, the spring is alive with wonderful new things. Perfect for the theme!
The shots are amazing. The combination of flowers and snow is magical! I love the shot of the Camellia covered in snow! So stunning!!!
Happy weekend
Love your take on a hard theme. It has been over 7 years since I have seen snow. Looking at your pictures made me go brrr....
Nice choice of subject to focus on. Particularly like the third photo -- the mingling of white snow, green leaves and red flowers is such a pretty sight. :)
it's amazing to see plants blooming in the snow. enjoy your weekend!
what a great idea for this meme. I am still thinking about what to do.
Yeah, chance of life...
Happy Hunting~
Perfect! Those first few plants the rise above the snow or manage to withstand it are always a happy sight.
It never ceases to amaze me how they seem to know it's time to bloom...I little sunshine on a cold snowy morn. That's great Carver.....
Happy Weekend to you!
I love our photos..now I am looking forward to spring hehe!
Plants growing through snow is a fascinating sight to me - who has never seen snow!
the snow is a pretty sight...well for me who lives where there's no snow
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