The shot above is the ground floor garden at the Cancer Hospital and you can see vertical metal in between the windows. The shot below is the second floor garden just off the surgical oncology clinic and in that shot you get a closer view of the vertical window dividers.
After my appointment I went to the NC Botanical garden in search of more vertical photo ops. The bench below has a back rest made of vertical wooden boards.
The trees lining the path to the Paul Green cabin which is in the mountain habitat portion of the garden are vertical.
In the shot below you can see a lattice trellis made of vertical and horizontal wood on the right side of the picture. Later in the growing season there will be plants growing on the lattice, or there has been other times I've been to the garden.
In the last shot there is a gate made of vertical and slanted metal with bird shapes on top. The gate blocks off the staff part of the garden from the visitors.
For more vertical photohunters, you can visit the home of the hunt where participants post their links beginning on Saturday mornings.
what a peaceful place the oncology center appears to be.
And the gardens, what a wonderful place to commune with our maker!
What a lovely assortment of colours there. Happy weekend.
Glad your follow up is fine. Wonderful vertical captures.
Hi Carver, some nice verticals you found in Chapel Hill. Glad your check-up was good. And I love the pollen art in the post below (so glad we got some rain to wash some of it away last night).
Have a good weekend.
Nice shots Carver... you never thought of having those photos vertically placed instead of horinzontal right? :P
Hope everything went well with the check-up. Great take on the theme that I find really challenging.
Happy weekend.
Lots of lovely photos for this theme Carver.
Glad your check up went well. Have a wonderful weekend.
Great pics, and happy to hear that you had good news at your check up :) Happy photo hunting!
What a beautiful hidden piece of land! Love the lined trees by the pathway!
Glad your check up was good! Loved all the beautiful "vertical" shots.
Wow this place is awesome love the view. happy hunting.
"This Thursday I went to the NC Cancer Hospital at UNC for my standard melanoma follow-up. Everything was fine..."
I hope that "everything was fine" refers to you as well as the weather. And yes, good shots and nice choices of photos once again. :)
it's good to know that everything is OK. thank you for sharing with vertical captures--great collection.
have a wonderful weekend.
it's good to know that everything is OK. thank you for sharing with us your vertical captures--great collection.
have a wonderful weekend.
Glad that you are feeling well and that you are enjoying the beautiful weather and sights.
Happy to hear your check-up went well without any relapse :)
Love your shots from your walk, place looks so serene and welcoming.
Nice hunting this week~
these are beautiful! i love the what they have in the hospital.
Glad your check up was good! What a beautiful hospital garden! I also love visiting botanical gardens and this one looks so beautiful.
I can tell you that my Redbud has arrived from Holland, but I haven´t planted it yet due to the cold nights we still have here. It has to wait in my orangerie. It is two meter high and a solitair. I´m so happy!
I wish you a great weekend!
Glad to hear you are in good health!
Lovely vertical shots, Carver.
Enjoy your weekend.
Hope all went well...
Pictures are so beautiful
Blessings to ya
Mine's up, too...
lots of vertical - nice!
A wonderful collection of vertical! I must say I envy you your sun, and I'm very glad your check up went well.
I think you'll like my vertical.
thanks for sharing your interpretation of the verticle them today, i like the photos of your garden and sculpture
Very beautiful gardens. You found lots of verticals in there.
Lovely photowalk - I like how you tied in and tied together today's theme. The garden is particularly beautiful and I'm glad to hear the checkup was good.
Lots of vertical things here for sure, Carver!
Very vertical indeed and I like your “angle” on the vertical theme.
It looks a nice new hospital. We got a brand new hospital locally a couple of years ago. I love the botanical gardens
First of all, I am glad you are okay! And, what a lovely building. You found some great vertical captures here!
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