I woke up Friday morning and it was snowing. It didn't amount to much but still fun to see the second touch of snow in one week. I understand why people who live places that have to deal with massive amounts of snow in the winter would get tired of it, but I love snow. We occasionally get significant snow but in recent years we've only hada few light ground covers. I'm ready for a winter with some nice deep snow to photograph and play in. I know I need to be careful what I wish for. The problem with our occasional deep snow is the city isn't equipped to deal with it and it takes forever to clear the roads. It's also a lot harder for the birds to survive in bad weather. If you look at the deck shot in the second photo, you may note the holes in the deck wall. I mentioned them a few weeks ago in the ruin(ed) photohunt theme. I'm noticing the birds seeking shelter in the wall as the weather gets colder. Winter is the best time to replace the deck wall before the birds begin nesting in there again during the spring. The problem though is since they are seeking shelter for the winter in the wall, I also hate to disrupt that place of warmth.If I replace the deck wall, the birds will still have the overgrown bushes for warmth as well as the nesting boxes. Still I hate to think what I'll find inside the wall. Oh well, it's one more expense I really don't need so I suspect another year will go by with the deck wall serving as shelter for the birds.
Please visit the home of Weekend Snapshot to find other participants on Monday.
I really like the last photo:) Looks like a fun weekend,Carver!~
I was born in a tropical country where snow is an alien thing and when i live in US, I love snow, I enjoy watching it falling to the ground and also the white blanket the covers it the next morning, but hubby on the other hand who was born and raised in Ohio where winter is worst hate it more than ever!
As a native to Buffalo NY, the real problem with snow is getting around in it and the bad storms that may lead to power outages and loss of life...It is pretty though...
oh let is snow! i like the third photo. it looks like a painting. Happy Monday Carver! My WS entry is here http://kcelebration.blogspot.com/search/label/weekend%20snapshot
It still strikes me as funny that you have snow! It was 36 this morning when we left the house, so it's certainly getting cold enough, but no snow yet! Wow.
I really like the last photo:) Looks like a fun weekend,Carver!~
A couple of blogs posted about the snow back east- brrrrrrr. Yes, I agree the first snowfall is always so pretty and so much fun.
I love the 3rd picture of the bird against the white background- he matches so well.
Very accommodating of you to note tear down your wall just for the birds :)
Soon, it'll be all covered in white soft snow :)
Hope your weekend was a good one Carver!
very crispy. we are headed for rain this week - in the middle of the travel.
We also have lots of snow this week :D Lovely shots, Carver.
My WS post this week : in HERE and HERE. I hope you have time to visit. Thanks
Love the photos. I am dreaming of a white wintry wonderland for years. Just doesn't get that way where I live.
THe first snowfall is pretty.
The second can be.
But after that they are a pain in the neck unless your young.
Sometimes you just gotta prioritize, huh. I'm sure the birds appreciate having their own little hole in the wall ;-)
That first snow is pretty !
I was born in a tropical country where snow is an alien thing and when i live in US, I love snow, I enjoy watching it falling to the ground and also the white blanket the covers it the next morning, but hubby on the other hand who was born and raised in Ohio where winter is worst hate it more than ever!
I love these photos. The one of the solitary bird is really wonderful. Like an Oriental painting.
As a native to Buffalo NY, the real problem with snow is getting around in it and the bad storms that may lead to power outages and loss of life...It is pretty though...
New Rambling Woods Site
"The problem though is since they are seeking shelter for the winter in the wall, I also hate to disrupt that place of warmth."
>>> i can see how gentle you are to those cute little birdies. who would not love to stay in that house?!
oh let is snow! i like the third photo. it looks like a painting. Happy Monday Carver! My WS entry is here http://kcelebration.blogspot.com/search/label/weekend%20snapshot
lovely shots... i wish my fall was as colorful (well it is if you count the fires)....
Looks like the bird is enjoying itself...
Little bit of snow is always fun, I guess. Nice shots, especially the bird one.
You have a good heart for adjusting your plans to accommodate the birds need :)
Have a great week and God Bless!
You have a good heart for adjusting your plans to accommodate the birds need :)
Have a great week and God Bless!
sorry for the double post, my WS entry is here
I've said this before and I'm going to say it again, I love your photos and NC must be a lovely place to live in.
P.S. you are sweet with the birds :)
I can't believe I am seeing snow today!!
Hope your deck wall isn't as damaged as you fear...
Love your last shot, Carver, what a sweet little bird.
the colors around are really starting to get different huh...lovely weekend snapshot!
love all of your photos
I wish it would snow here. I love the look of the snow on the fir trees.
It still strikes me as funny that you have snow! It was 36 this morning when we left the house, so it's certainly getting cold enough, but no snow yet! Wow.
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