I have ten nesting boxes and loads of over grown bushes which provide habitat for the birds. Two of my nesting boxes were ruined by woodpeckers trying to enlarge the holes even though they aren't big enough for woodpeckers to nest in.

If you get a chance to check out the parallel lives ruins at Snap2Days, SabineM and I have a post there.
On Saturday you can find other participants at the home of the hunt here - PhotoHunt
They are so cute but can be destructive. Love your take.
Those are nice photos,Carver!~ Nice take on the theme!~
Cool sharing on the ruins Carver. Birds can be cute but at times would be a nuisance when they start pecking more holes onto the wall.
My place is just as bad as the walls were constructed using those lime based cement during the olden days. Thus, the walls would always be wet and none of the paint would stick on it for long. I had them beautified with some textured cement block 5 years ago and now water spots began to show. One knock by my playful kitties and here I am with more ruins.. LOL!
Ruins by those beautiful animals with wings that we so much admire them for flying around..but definitely not for their destructive side of life :P
Ouch - that doesn't look so good!
Very cool post! I really enjoyed this one and I can't believe the work the woodpeckers did on that box. Have a nice weekend!
I love your take on the theme showing so many cute nesting boxes! Sorry some were ruined, it seems those pretty birds can get very agressive and destructive too...
Great shots! I like woodpeckers, but they can definitely ruin things!
My entry for photo hunters is here
Stop by if you have a moment :)
Wow! They sure made a mess! Crikey! Nice htat you put the nesting boxes out for them. :)
Beautiful photos.. our bird boxes are away from the house. Squirrels have been known to enlarge the holes and take over the boxes. We've had flying squirrels in our blue bird box. Nice take on the theme!
Fabulous! We have some of the same issues here!
Love the series of shot! Happy hunting!
You are a serious bird supporter, Carver despite the damage they do to your abode. Good post and have a happy weekend.
sometimes it's hard for humans and wildlife to coexist...
nice photos!
Oh, all those bad little birdies! :-)
Happy Weekend.
Gosh, I hope they leave your house alone. I am glad our wildlife is less destructive.
Glad I stumbled on your cool blog!
It speaks to me on several quality levels. I don't really "do" memes or such on my blog (just rebellious I guess ;-) but almost felt like joining 'Photo Hunters.' (and may yet!)
Thanks for sharing your vision.
Aloha from Waikiki-
Amazing that such little creatures can cause such damage.
You had trouble with woodpeckers and we had trouble with deer5. Life just throws suprises.
I know you probably weren't amused but had to laugh at the comment of the woodpeckers not satisfied with the hole and enlarging it- just struck me funny.
great theme for ruin(ed)
Nice for the theme. I should take a photo of my blog for the theme. Yes, the woodpeckers can drill holes and we have cedar shake on our house. I hung a windsock in the corner and it helped...Thanks for visiting my new blog...
it's amazing how destructive some birds can be!
Wow, Carver, you do so much for -- and tolerate so much of -- the birds!
I am always surprised at how swiftly cute can turn to ruin
Wow... you love birds! Even if they destroy the place!
Oh that's ruined already. good take this week. Happy hunting!
Oh, that's too bad about the ruined fence and nesting boxes. Are the fixable? It's neat that you have nesting boxes around for the birds. They are fun to watch.
How frustrating that must be! At least one isn't ruined and you'll have baby birdies soon.
That first photo is lovely - how interesting that something ruined can look so lovely.
Holy cow!
I didn't know birds could be so destructive!
I'm ruined
Oh that's sad, though.
Sreisaat Adventures
Great series! Gotta keep an eye on those uninvited, and sometimes invited, guests.
Your wiring doesn't look too damaged... you might get some pvc piping to enclose them... cut a slit in it to get the wires in.
nice..very nice:)
but too bad for those:)
keep up the good shots:)
heres mine:
Great photos. Birds are wonderful but yeah, they can do some not-so-pleasant things with wood. I hope you would be able to get the wiring on your deck fixed,soon nights are going to get longer.
Have a great weekend!
Awww your so sweet to make nesting places for the birds, but the birds aren't for ruining your wall!
we had a woodpecker do that to our house in podunk, sucks
I had no idea that woodpeckers would do that, or nuthatches come to that! Such a shame the deck and nesting boxes were ruined.
Thanks for visiting mine earlier, and have a good weekend.
Yikes you've got some vicious wildlife! We have the same problem, but with hornets. I don't know why they target our house and eaves with their nasty nests, when they have a huge forest behind us to live in. Sheesh, crazy critters!
I did Photo Hunt today, too. I hope you get a chance to visit and leave your link!
Have a great weekend!
very nice photos...i like woodpeckers though especially on cartoons :)
those are really cool. we used to have one that looked like the house we lived in; ontop of a pole. i always wondered how it got cleaned out way up there. funny; I had not thought of that in forever
Wonderful ruin(ed) photos :)) although I'm sorry that your wall is ruined. (I guess it's a case of not having your cake and eat it too LOL!)
Have a great weekend Carver!
Oh, I bet those chickadees will be adorable poking their heads out of your un-ruined box! Great take on this week's theme!
Can't believe a bird is the cause of all that damage to your wall. Great take on the theme this week :)
it's good to know that you actually have nesting boxes.
Sorry about your ruined deck. Birds are beautiful and great to have around but I realized that sometimes they can cause problems as well. We don't have woodpeckers around here. They must be very persistent birds.
I'm smiling about those woodpeckers though I'm sure it wasn't amusing to you when they ruined your boxes.
Great idea for Ruin(ed). I think I'm glad we don't have woodpeckers in our garden!
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