Only a few of my tulips have come up this year but they change throughout their growth period affording lots of photo ops.
I like the way some of my red tulips have white highlights.
Considering how many tulips I used to have, I try not to be disappointed by the dwindling numbers.
I only had one yellow tulip this year although perhaps a few more will come up.
The seem like different flowers when they open up.
Out of my dozen or so varieties of narcissus, only a few have bloomed this year.
I like this variety but I miss some of the others.
Also only two of these have bloomed out of 20 or so plants. The same thing happened with another narcissus that bloomed a week or so ago.
My azaleas are blooming very early and I'm crossing my fingers that we don't get a hard frost.
Covering my monster azaleas is not an option.
We've had a very wet spring this year.
I'm glad of a wet spring knowing that summers can be dry.
The azaleas got very drenched today.
I'm glad that it will be cooling off some next week but staying above freezing.
If it wasn't for the flowers, I wouldn't mind some very cold weather since winter was so mild this year.
My dogwood trees started blooming this week.
Click for the home of today's flowers.
Pretty peppermint colored tulips!
Your azaleas are gorgeous.
After five days of 80 degrees we have dropped back to 60. I'm hoping that's where it stops or our blooms will suffer.
What a lot of lovely flowers!! My favourites are the first tulip - staring right into the centre, and the first rhododendron (I think) with the water drops!! I have been reading a couple of books about where plants came from, and apparently it is better for the bulbs if they are lifted for the summer, and replanted in the fall. Or maybe just keep planting more. I know what you mean about some of them just fading away...
I rally love the first and fifth shot and the azaleas! What wonderful images again!
All of them are so pretty!
you have a lovely garden. so beautiful.
Such lovely flowers, all of them are so pretty...very nice photos..
Thank you for sharing...
Greetings Karin
That monster azalea is gorgeous. I am amazed at all the beautiful flowers you have right now. We had snow on Thursday so spring has not quite arrived in our area yet.
Spring song, beautiful colors, flowers in everywhere!It's wonderful!
what beautiful flowers! Your azalea bushes are amazing.
My fav. flowers. Thank you for showing.
Lovely post -- I am so hoping you don't get a frost -- those azaleas are amazing. The tulips definitely look like two different flowers at the different stages.
I love those tulips.
Have a blessed Sunday!
I don't know if anything is going to look as pretty as your area as we have a hard freeze Monday night..
Gorgeous Flowers!
I remember your name from previous PhotoHunts... I am rediscovering where the other PhotoHunters are. :) Do come by and visit my site here: http://www.slowtrav.com/blog/eden/
Had the chance to visit with Daddy yesterday and look at Mama's azeleas all bursting with bloom...she would be so proud at the care he's given them and her roses and would be extremely proud that he didnt' cut the Lady Banks back!!! We have to treat tulips as annuals here, if they come back once we throw a party!!!
There are already beautiful flowers in your garden! I wish I had azaleas in mine!
Have a great week.
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