I have been using the same digital camera since June of 2006. I have taken 86,161 photographs with that camera. Alas, it finally gave out on me on Monday.
For the digital photohunter post, I went to my archives from last month and thought I'd work with one shot.
An advantage to digital photography is you can work with a single image after it's on the computer.
The first shot was what it looked like unaltered. The second shot is a conversion to gray-scale. The third shot has the color saturation increased. The last shot is gray-scale but I made it darker and increased the contrast. I think I like the last shot best.
Click for the home of photohunters.
Wow! That is a lot of photos :) Sounds like the camera served you well! Happy photo hunt and happy weekend :)
I like the examples you posted. glad you had a great time with your camera.
So sorry about your camera, good times shared with it!
Love the effects, hard to decide which one I like best.
Happy weekend
A honourable and labourious life your camera had!
God bless you!
i really enjoy the benefits of digital images and how many versions one can make of a single shot.
i think your digital camera had given valiant service and it's time to retire. you had taken a lot of pictures with it.
wonderful to catch birds in flight.
An fine photo. It is great what you can do with digital software isn't it
this is a beautifully composed shot and I like all the effects in each of the versions here. Sorry your camera has given up on you!
Oh dear! Your camera gave out on you? Well, I guess 86,000 shots IS a lot of shots!
RIP to your old camera and good luck getting a new one you like -- and very soon.
Do you work much with your photos on the computer, Carver? Have to admit that I don't -- haven't become *that* techie yet! ;S
i like all photos.you have amazing shots.
I'm sorry about your camera. I hope you find another that you like just as well.
It's fun to see how processing affects an image. I like that last one best too.
By the way, what are you going to do with the old camera? Paperweight? Recycled? Viking funeral? Enquiring minds want to know.
Thank you for the visit Carver. My blog was down almost for a full-day because of a server outage :( Looks like they finally fixed it though :)
My camera's LCD screen is broken so I never know how the shot looks until it is on my computer screen, I am always amazed how good the shots can look after a little manipulation.
The good thing about your camera expiring is that your next one will have such a higher specification.
Wow! that's a lot of photos! I didn't count mine, but I'm sure it's a lot too .
I have really started taking the ease of futzing with pics for granted.
Clever Carver...you know what all that futzing is called; I just click on stuff until it looks right.
I like the last shot too.
Love, k.
PS So sorry about your camera! We have had 3 in the last 10 years, but don't think any of 'em lasted for 86 thousand and something shots.
Things done well and with a care, exempt themselves from fear.
William Shakespeare
they are in peace...they have freedom
nice week, dear
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