Fortunately for the wildlife and for my electric bill too, I have lots of shade in my yard.

The squirrel below took such a long siesta in the heat of the day that I was afraid he had suffered a heat stroke.

I decided against making noise to make sure he was ok because, if he was resting it was better to leave him alone so he didn't have to use energy running away in his fur coat in the heat.

Finally after well over an hour of my checking through my window to see if he had moved, an itch he had to scratch roused him.

He stayed in a new position on the same branch until finally he got up and came down for a drink of water. I was glad that he was ok.

My deck bird bath is always full of a procession of birds.

The small birds watch me from the trees when I change out the bath for cool water so they get a turn before the larger birds return.

It's nice to see the pecan tree laden with pecans for a winter treat for me and the wildlife.

I've gotten better at photographing the birds in the trees and bushes. I watch for rustling leaves when the wind isn't blowing and usually can spot a bird.
The trees provide a great place for animals to stay!
I guess the shade is where to look for birds here right now too, Carver. I'm sure you are warmer than we are...but that doesn't make me feel any cooler. :)
OH MY GOSH that squirrel! With his little leg dangling! I love that photo, how precious.
Wonderful photos of your BY wildlife. That squirrel looks like I feel! I'm about ready to go do the same! I might even dangle my legs, too!! ~karen
It's been unbearably hot here this July. 3 weeks out of 4 it's been high humidity and temps in the 90's and above. It's so hot the squirrels and bunnies aren't moving much here. Have a great day!
Food for Thought
a cool way to beat the heat, lovely series.
wow you have captured wildlife beautifully. nice shots.
The wildlife sure does love your yard!
Ah, missed this week's nature notes (but I didn't have anything to tell anyway).
That squirrel made me laugh so hard, even hubby got a laugh out of it.
He's Mr. Cool (the squirrel) :D
I thought I was the only person who would check on an animal..Nice that you did that Carver and thank you so much for always having water for the birds and other yard visitors...It is a life saver...Michelle
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