
Sunday, December 13, 2009

Today's Flowers: Pansies Cold and Curling


Please visit the home of Today's Flowers for more participants.


Leora said...

Poor sweet colorful things. My oak leaf hydrangea is all curled up in a frosty coating this morning.

Carletta said...

Lovely fall color. The sunlight in this makes me think they will unfurl their beauty on a warmer day.
Lovely shot!

Chubskulit Rose said...

beautiful combination of two lovely flowers.

Mine is frozen flowers

Anonymous said...

Very soon when it becomes too cold.. they're be out of sight. Good thing you've captured their lovely moment :)

Anonymous said...

I love pansies,
very pretty flowers and lovely picture!!

DeniseinVA said...

Cold and curling they may be, but aren't they beautiful? Lovely photo, thanks for sharing.

Cezar and Léia said...

wonderful colour!
Great energies from this picture!


Beautiful colors of fall! And a lovely light on your pansies!

lazyclick said...

Beautiful colors.

Nance said...

let's just think they'll go to sleep and we'll see them again next year. (sounds so far away!) ;)

Anya said...

Lovely flowers
it looks almost spring :-)
Its here so cold at the moment !!

Digital Flower Pictures said...

They really do hang in there with some color.

ramblingwoods said...

I love to come and visit the flowers with the yucky weather we have..beautiful ...

Unknown said...

Those make me feel warm and cozy :)!

ellen said...

Nice catch! Mine is up. Hope to see you.

Chie Wilks said...

this sure is a lovely shot

mine is here

Ayie said...

vibrant colors, so inviting!