
Friday, December 18, 2009

Photohunters: Fast

The photohunters theme this week is fast. I fear that I will be rather cliché but I thought I'd do a photographic look at the old saying that children grow up so fast.


It seems like yesterday, in some ways, when my daughter was a little girl. The shots above and below were taken during the Christmas of 1986. At least I think I have the year right based on my recollection of what my daughter looked like when she was that age.


In the shot above my daughter is playing with her grandmother (my mother) and with her father (Bill) on Christmas morning.


I'm guessing the shot above was one I took of my daughter around 1989 under our Christmas tree. Time kept moving so fast that before I knew it, my daughter was coming home from college for Christmas. There she is under our Christmas tree below in 2003.


Time has continued to move fast and my daughter graduated from law school this year. I took the shot below last weekend when she was home for an early Christmas visit.


For other photohunters, please visit the home of the hunt where participants post beginning on Saturday.


eastcoastlife said...

Yes, children grow up in the twinkling of an eye. I remember sending my son to kindergarten and now he is going to be a chef. I'm growing old.

Cezar and Léia said...

Cute pictures! She is adorable!And congratulations for the graduation,oh gosh... time really goes so fast my friend!You are right!
Lovely post, and thanks so much for sharing!

EG CameraGirl said...

Children do grow up too fast...but from the point of view of kids it seems so slow. Strange how time seems so different to different generations.

Unknown said...

Yepp, they grow up fast - and this is a cute series of flashbacks!

CRIZ LAI said...

Wow.. times fly... she's really big now.. haha.

Ingrid said...

That's very true and you came up with your post very fast too, lol !
Here it is still Friday.
My little boy suddenly is 36 !

Juliana said...

Yes, children grew so fast :D Perfect for this week theme, hope you could visit mine as well. Have a nice weekend, Carver

Photo Cache said...

What a lovely post Carver. I can see your fulfillment as a mother in this post. I love it.

Happy weekend.

jams o donnell said...

Great take Carver. Time certainly dies fly! Happy weekend

MaR said...

That's a great take on the theme, Carver, and lovely pictures of your daughter. Congrats on her graduation!!
Enjoy your weekend.


Anonymous said...

Sometimes I think they grow up too fast. Excellent choice for the theme

Dee said...

I love your take on the them, Carver! It was fun seeing pics of your daughter, too. Tell her Congrats for finishing law school! Wow - what an accomplishment!

Unknown said...

wow! time does fly and I still feel so young yet old at the same time.. She is adorable!

candi said...

What a lovely story your photos tell. Happy Holidays to you and your family.

YTSL said...

Thanks for sharing, Carver -- personal photos that tell an interesting story of one beloved human's development. :)

julie said...

Awww, you are right (and we have the same entry) :)

Randi said...

Cute sequence of shots! I agree - times fly too fast.
Happy weekend.

Unknown said...

lovely photos! from your tummy to becoming a lawyer---awesome!

Marites said...

i like that..from a small kid to a budding lawyer. You're so right, kids grow up so fast. happy weekend!

Kim, USA said...

Oh yeah that is fast...she grow up very pretty lady. Thanks for sharing this reminds me to keep more pictures of my nieces and nephew that I so love.

My PhotoHunt

Caron said...

That's a nice way of looking at children. I like then and now photos and seeing what physical characteristics they retain from infancy or childhood. said...

Carver, good remmebrances, yes?
Have a ncie weekend, dear

mommanator said...

Time moves too quickly! Nice photolog!

Lisa said...

We think alike! I think its the fastest thing ever.

Rebecca Mecomber said...

Aw sweet. But ooo it is nice to have a lawyer in the family. ;)

My Fast post is up! I hope you have time for a fast visit! Have a great weekend.

Mrs. Mecomber

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

Wonderful photos!! A really great way to describe fast with pictures!
~ The Bunch

Eden said...

I love the two under the tree shots!!!

Mine is up too, right here... kinda same take on the theme.

Mirage said...

I wanted to post such but opt for the little boy. It really is seems yesterday they were babies and now oh my...

Enjoy the weekend...take care!

Scott Law said...

Really nice take on the theme. My baby now has a baby, time goes sooooo fast.

Unknown said...

Great pictures. Thanks for visiting my site. We both made reference to how quickly time passes. Where did your daughter attend law school and what is she doing now?

Sienna said...

Gorgeous xmas photos, the feeling is here...(xmas).

I like how you have the two shots, (under tree) with time elapsed.

Gives me some great ideas.

Wanted to wish you a merry xmas too Carver.

Summer is here in Australia, rain forecast xmas eve, (which we are happy about).

But at the moment it is warm and sunny.

All the best from down under. :-)

Willa said...

wow! indeed they grew up fast right before our very eyes!

girasoli said...

Great take on the theme this week. Cute photos of her as a little girl. Loved seeing the two similar under the tree shots. Congratulations on her graduation from Law School. It must be nice to have her home.

Squirrel said...

I love this take on the "Fast" theme. Now I'm sitting here reminiscing about my daughter. I always find it interesting when you post about your daughter since mine is almost the same age.

Ayie said...

so sweet...this post is very touching. Yes your daughter has grown into a fine lady and still I can tell she'll always be your baby.