
Friday, June 21, 2013

Photohunters: Daydream Sculptures

I have a tendency to daydream when I'm walking.
I decided to combine the two theme by showing you sculptures at the NC Botanical Garden in Chapel Hill.
I was daydreaming while walking through the garden taking pictures of the sculpture.
Since these shots are from a number of different walks and years I can't tell you exactly what I was daydreaming about.
Even if I could remember, I would probably not want to write about my daydreams anyway.
The botanical garden has a lot of different sections to show the different habitats in North Carolina.
Many of the sculptures are nestled in the wild parts of the garden.
That's the reason these shots don't include many of the flower beds and other cultivated plants that are in the garden.
The bee sculptures are almost scary enough to turn a daydream into a horror movie.
The little boy in the bottom corner below almost looks like he's running away from the winged sculpture.


Susan Demeter said...

A great collection of sculptures. I often daydream while I walk too. I think the nature trails inspire them. :) Happy photo hunting and happy Summer!

my Photo Hunt blog entry for this week

MaR said...

Fascinating sculptures and what an interesting botanical garden!


Anonymous said...

a nice variety of sculptures of different materials. i would be floating on air not just daydreaming while walking there.

Annie said...

Wow, the botanical garden has a great collection and your photos are fantastic! Hope you have a good weekend - Happy First Day of Summer.

NatureFootstep said...

I love that kind of sculptures. So nice and unexpected. Adapted to the environment is it in.

SandyCarlson said...

Looks like a gorgeous botanical garden.

YTSL said...

The botanical garden looks perfect for daydreaming when walking in it -- same as the Japanese stroll gardens I've been to! :)

peppylady (Dora) said...

Looks like a wonderful whimsical and fun.

Mine is up and coffee is on

Team Tabby said...

These are wonderful and each fits its particular part of the gardens so well!

Ingrid said...

Very special and original sculptures !