
Monday, June 17, 2013

Nature Notes: First half of June 2013

This has been an unusually pleasant June so far.
Last year June was one of the hottest months of the year.
I have been relieved that this June hasn't been very hot at all.
We still have a lot of summer yet to come but it makes a big difference when the heat is somewhat delayed.
Queen Anne's Lace (above) has started making an appearance.
I love the way the American Robins look after a bath all fluffed out.
Unfortunately the bird baths are often dirty in shots I take because I'll notice they need cleaning whileI take the shots.
The mimosa trees (above) are starting to flower.
I have a lot of house finches at the bird baths but the colorful males usually fly off before I shoot them and I get more shots of the muted feathered females (above) instead. 
I've started to see juvenile cardinals at the bird baths (above and below).
When the adult female cardinal (below) arrived at the baths the juveniles left abruptly. 
The last two shots are of brown thrashers. 
I think I neglected to I.D. the first bird that began this post as a bluejay; the second was a ladybug on a mimosa tree leaf. I don't know what made the hole in the tree in the third shot.


Ramakant Pradhan said...

Beautiful pictures of the flora and fauna. The summer has its benefits :)

DeniseinVA said...

A lovely post, great pictures of flowers and those cute little birds.

Wishing you a great week Carver,
An English Girl Rambles

EG CameraGirl said...

Ha! I love the photos of the robin taking a bath! Queen Anne's lace already? WoW!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

The Jay looks mad! Did you forget to feed him ;>). Love the robins bathing as always. It sounds like it's been a perfect June so far!

Karen said...

A terrific post! I love to see the birds in the bath, so cute!

Anonymous said...

Thanks very nice blog!

My web page :: meladerm

FAB said...

Great to see all your birds getting a wash and brush up.

We are still waiting for a 'proper' Summer in the UK .... low temps and more rain tomorrow!

eileeninmd said...

Carver, I always enjoy your bird bathing series. They are so darn cute. I miss my mimosa tree, it dies awhile a few years ago. They have pretty blossoms and the butterflies and hummingbirds love the mimosa blooms. Wonderful post, have a happy week!

Joyful said...

You get such a good variety of birds at your bird bath. Since two crows are now using my bird bath as their personal sink, the little birds don't spend much time there.

Cezar and Léia said...

Lovely birds and so beautiful pictures.The first image is awesome, the little one is very interesting in your camera, amazing capture!

Ingrid said...

Such cute pictures ! I don't know when spring is coming, maybe winter first and then summer, nature is completely upside down this year ! One day we have North Pole temperatures the next day we are sitting in the desert !

Leora said...

Ladybugs, mimosa blooms and bathing bird beauties - great stuff you are sharing. Those birds are so funny when they shake from their baths.

Rebecca said...

Love the soaked bird photos!! Great post :)

NatureFootstep said...

your birds really seem to enjoy being wet. :)

Rambling Woods said...

Oh I love to see the young cardinals as they are so often raising cowbirds ... Michelle

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

In Singapore and Malysia, Mimosa is a ground cover with round balls of pink flowers.

Anonymous said...

j'aime beaucoup le cadrage du premier cliché