
Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Nature Notes: mixed weather

We had a touch of winter for a few days and then spring returned.
Now it looks like it will be up and down temperature wise.
The immediate forecast looks like we won't have any more of the very cold nights like we had for several days.
I hope we have a decent winter this year.
Until last winter we have a string of winters with at least several pretty snows and a long enough stretch of cold to feel like we'd had winter.
Last year we barely had winter all all and I missed it.  Click for the home of Nature Notes.


Dianne said...

cold then warm
sun yet rain
it's all so confused
the red berries are so pretty
all your photos capture the season so beautifully

Laura said...

same here... only two snows and each lasted a day, then melted... beautiful photos Carver.

Leora said...

Love that bottom shot, Carver. The one in the middle with the reddish-orange leaves is nice, too.

If you don't like the weather, wait a minute.

eileeninmd said...

Lovely nature scenes, Carver. Neat sighting of the flicker. We had a mild winter last year and I was happy. I prefer spring, summer and fall. Have a great week!

Sallie (FullTime-Life) said...

Your nature notes are always great -- makes me feel like I've been on a visit. I guess I hope you get a good winter (if that's what you want)...I'd have been happy with what you had last year...but you already knew that!

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

The second photo, berries or leaves?

I always like berries. Mainly in Borneo, I didn't see any.

Vores have said...

Nice pictures you show.
Hanne Bente

Rambling Woods said...

Our weather has been strange too but so very gray lately. I love the northern flicker in the top photo. I won't see any of them till spring and then only if I listen and look carefully as they ant in the grass.. Michelle

jewaicious said...

Beautiful reflective of nature and weather.

False springs...the plants and shrubs never know whether to bloom or wait.

Jaida Colarina said...

Hi Carver, nice photographs you have here. This is one great site for your sights.

Thanks for commenting on my post. :D

Johnny Nutcase said...

I like the Flicker in the first shot!

A Colorful World said...

We're going through the same thing! :-) But our world looks quite different from yours! :-)

NatureFootstep said...

well, we got tons of snow so I woudl appreciate your situation. Looks great I think.

EG CameraGirl said...

I like the winter hues here, Carver.

Rambling Woods said... might try wordpress.. you can copy what you have from blogger to wordpress...

Ingrid said...

Wow, very beautiful pictures !

Susan Demeter said...

Stopping by to wish you a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year :)

YTSL said...

Hi Carver --

Hope you're okay. It's not like you to miss two Photo Hunts in a row!

eastcoastlife said...

Hope everything's alright. Wishing you a Merry Christmas.

Annie said...

I saw your note on YTSL's blog that you're on a blogging break. Just wanted to say Happy Holidays and see you in 2013~