The female cardinal below almost looks like it's hiding another bird behind it. I think it's just the lighting and how fluffed up its feathers are.
The male cardinal below is perched in my deck wall vines just before the sun went down.
The next shot is of a sparrow who's getting a drink on my deck.
I almost didn't recognize the titmouse below because they have such distinctive crowns except when they're wet.
It always surprises me when I look at shots how different the birds look when they're feathers are flat or poofed out. The female cardinal below with flat feathers is a good example of that when compared with the first poofy shot.
The trees are starting to get signs of life with everything mixed up by the back and forth weather.
I am trying to enjoy the mild weather and forget about the ramifications of the confused seasons.
The first day of February is a lot more like the first day of April, weather wise.
As long as they don't start breeding too early, the mix of warm and cool days has probably made this an easier winter for the wildlife.
I know it's made a big difference in my heating bill which has been significantly lower this winter.
I was very surprised to spot those little flowers blooming a few days ago in the woods.
I should try to go on a walk today since it's mild and the sun is out.
I took the lake shots on Saturday which was also a pretty day.
I know the weather has been odd a lot of places this winter but I can't stop thinking about it.
I hope the plants and animals aren't totally confused by the weather in negative ways.
I think the three ducks below look like a happy little family.
So far the gulls are still at the lake and since they leave during the spring, at least they aren't confused enough to go.
I'm also not hearing the loud honking of the geese and ducks which they do during breeding season.
I think the trees and flowers and people are the main ones confused by the whacky winter.
Click for the home of nature notes.
I love the sparrow shot - the curve of the bird is what captures my interest. Would make a nice illustration. Your gull over the lake is also lovely.
nice pics. in our town the winter in coming :)
That looks like a White-throated Sparrow with the yellow...I love how all the feathers blow in the wind. The cardinals look pretty happy with it all.. yes..you have warmer weather than we do, but it was 50 here yesterday...have a great week Carver...Michelle
Carver, your bird are all beautiful. I have been thinking about the birds breeding and the flowers. Our temps today were in the mid 60's. Very nice!
Your shots of cardinals continue to make me feel jealous, Carver! I wonder if you'll have any winter this year.
Lovely shots - is that a White Crowned Sparrow? - apparently one of those was seen in Cley In Norfolk in 2008 apparently a migrant from the USA - and a stained glass window in the local church was donated by birders to honour the occasion - I read this in the Birdwatching mag on our return from Norfolk - I shall go and have a see when I get up there again Jane UK
You can title this post 'Birds in disguise' :-D
Lovely shots!
I love the ones from your walk too.
Nature home sickness is kicking in again ;-)
The three ducks seem to be nice folks, I feel like sitting with them and chatting for a while... :)
God bless you!
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