The yellow flower below is yarrow and it's mixed in with butterfly weed which is also starting to flower.
The bud below is echinacea (purple coneflower).
Next is a purple coneflower that is farther along although not purple yet.
Some of the coriopsis (shot below) in pots on my deck are beginning to bloom. I never planted them in the pots but when I added compost to some past plants in the pots there must have been some coriopsis seeds from flowers in my yard. Instead of putting in new plants in my deck pots, I get surprised by what comes up at this point.
The hibiscus (rose of sharon below) is starting to bloom all over my yard.
I have a lot of different colors and varieties of hibiscus although they are all the shrubby rose of sharon types as opposed to the huge blooms of other hibiscus varieties.
I don't think most hibisucs varieties grow very well where I live as I mostly see them in pots but rose of sharon turns into big bushes here and does very well. All of these shots are from large bushy ones I have.
Rudbeckia (black-eyed-susan below) is beginning to bloom. This is another of the flowers that have volunteered in my deck pots. I also have a lot of it in my garden.
I like rudbeckia and echinacea for themselves but also for the goldfinches they attract.
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great selection, I like your black eye susan as it struggles to open
Our rose of sharon haven't even thought of blooming yet. If your coneflower is growing from seed I have found often times that the seedlings are much paler than their parents. Still beautiful!
Wow, these macros on the flowers are quite impressive!
God bless you!
gorgeous collection! the flower in the 8th photo is something new to me---very intriguing flower.
Rudbeckia and Echinesia are rare here.Your Rose of Sharon is beautiful.
I love the Black eye Susan and the second photo. Those are just so intriguing.
Beautiful and colorful flowers. First shot is cool.
These are all so pretty.
My entry.
An absolutely gorgeous variety of flowers today. Loved the close-ups. To see a flower in such detail is pure joy.
What a wonderful series of flowers, your yard must be absolutely beautiful. The Rose of Sharon is so pretty.
What is it about those green pre=historic looking buds of Rudbeckia and Echinacea that makes them so attractive? Love the hairy sepals.
Gorgeous blooms!
Orange Lilies
You have such a gorgeous variety there. wow!
I can only repeat myself: I love your yard!
love the second and third.
great macro shots
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