The photohunter theme this week is foreign. My native language is English but for many people in the world it is a foreign language. All languages are foreign to some and native to others. The shot below includes four different languages.
My daughter is an adult with her own place in a different city from me but thanks to her leaving many books in her room at my house, I was able to photograph pages from books in different languages. I included English on the bottom left in the shot above since for some of you that language is foreign although it's my native language.
I debated whether the summer shot of a bee on a cone flower was a foreign body invading another since their relationship is symbiotic. Participants post at the home of photohunters beginning Saturday mornings.
Update: I realize it's hard to tell what the languages are since the shots are small. The very top book is a French textbook with some instructions in English and underneath you can see a corner of a map of Paris to the right. Below on the left hand side is the English book Utopia. On the right hand side the very bottom book is German and above that is a Russian book.
I do not have potential to learn foreign languages.. I only know Chinese, Malays, English.
Now I'm curious -- what's the top one? It's too small to actually see, I know the bottom's German and I see the middle's French b/c of the dialogue marks.
What a great idea to show the books Carver, and I loved the bee on the flower. Have a great weekend.
Hi Judith, I just emailed you. The very top is French with English notations. The left book is English. The right handed with a very bottom is German but that one above it in the middle is probably Russian since that's the only language I can think of that looks like that (sort of) which you have studied. However, it didn't really look like Russian to me but what do I know. I think since it's so small it looked like accents but it's really part of the characters and it's not characters I'm used to. Since I speak a little school girl French as you know, I'd recognize it if it was French or any language with our characters for that matter.
I emailed you so you can let me know and when I do, I'll update the post. See, you speak languages I can't even recognize. To be honest, I put the photo in small since I couldn't identify one of the languages but others may wonder too so I'll get it straight and then update it.
Love, Mom
After consulting with my daughter I feel safe identifying the languages in the books. I'll update the post too. The very top I knew because that's a french textbook. On the right hand side, at the very bottom is German which I knew. The one I wasn't positive about is the right hand book above the German book, that one is Russian. The left hand side is an English book: Utopia.
How did you get that incredible photo of the bee?
Cool one Carver... I have never thought of showing different foreign languages. :)
Great idea for this theme Carver. And one of your lovely nature shots as a bonus!
Have a great weekend.
Both are great photos and unique takes on the theme. I had to smile at keeyit's comment about "only" knowing three languages. I studied two other languages when I was younger, but I've forgotten everything.
Have a great weekend.
Very creative, cool and unique takes on the theme, Carver. I love the photo of the books!
I wish you a great weekend.
I love to learn more foreign languages other than English.
Have a great weekend.
Great take on the theme. I really should get my act together and imptrove my French. Have a happy weekend
Great take on the theme, Carver.
I love the bee on the flower shot.
Strange but true: I can't read in my mother tongue... instead, even though English is technically a foreign language for me, it feels the most "native" for me -- and especially when reading is concerned!
The last one is pretty...Happy hunting.
Our language is so who we are this is a snapshot of the world.
I love trying to decipher the romance languages in print. Perfect choice.
foreign language is so foreign to me :D nice take on the second photo :)
Happy weekend, Carver!
great take on the theme....and well the bee on the flower is great!
What great ideas for the theme, Carver! I enjoyed it a lot.
Great take on the them. I really wish I knew another language fluently...
Mine's up, too.
good choices! love the bee!
I didnt see the pics!
I didn't even notice the map of Paris until you mentioned it. Cool that you could pull together so many languages.
Foreign languages! I hadn't thought of that at all! I wish I could speak several. Both my sons have married multi-lingual wives and I feel so inadequate.
Utopia in English? Is this Utopia the same by Thomas More? So is it Old English, or a translation?
Great choices-- books!
My Photo Hunters is up. I hope you can take some time to take a peek. Happy weekend!
i would love to learn a new language. Maybe someday. I love the 2nd photo, it's a beautiful capture!
Have a nice weekend!
Your daughter is so lucky to have the ability to learn a foreign language. I've been trying to learn French but I haven't made a lot of progress. Good take on this weekend's theme. Have a great one.
How cool that you have books in 4 languages!
My photo hunt post:
lol . . . as usual, an unique take on the theme. Thanks for sharing!
Lots of clever takes on the theme this week. Yours is a great one!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Foreign language books...such a great idea. And, that bee is amazing! You covered this these very creatively!
i love foreign language! great idea. :)
happy weekend.
Bonsoir Mon Amie,
Les livres sont tres interessant!
(I would really have to thing harder than my beer addled brain would allow to go on...)
Very kewl post.
Love, Guess Who?
Laissez les bons temps rouler!
Again this is one of those themes that can easily take so many directions. I'd have never thought of that. Great shots and perfect for the theme.
Clever take on the theme this week. I need to get back to studying Italian again. It is a shame this country does not push foreign languages in school.
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