
Friday, August 07, 2009

Photohunters: Low

for low crop mntshot
At first when I saw that the theme this week was low, I was stumped. I didn't want to post pictures of people that looked depressed or low in that sense of the word.

sized down for ph post low
Then it occurred to me that these shots I took, as we were arriving in the mountains last Friday, while the sun was setting appear to have low clouds. My daughter was driving so I was free to take pictures.
cloud underbridge for phlow
I don't know if the clouds really are low or if it's the perspective but either way I figure this will do for the theme, although perhaps it's a stretch. For the home of photohunters, you can click the button below.


keeyit said...

Yeah, when I saw the low theme this week, I also cannot find picture to show the "low" meaning.
But, I present it in another format.. hahaha...

LifeRamblings said...

a great idea for the theme. happy weekend Carver!

Napaboaniya.Elaine Ling said...

Often when I see low clouds I've got the urge to run towards and jump high, in hope of touching the sky!

MaR said...

Wonderful take on the theme, Carver! I had a hard time!

Happy PH!

Liz Hinds said...

Mine's low in the sky too!

I'm glad you clarified the fact that your daughter was driving!

Photo Cache said...

The theme this week proved to be quite challenging for me too. But you managed to clear the theme very well.

Thanks for the greetings.

Annie said...

Those are definitely some low clouds and I love how they are framed under the bridge. Nice shots. Hope you had a good trip to the mountains.

jams o donnell said...

What glroiusly atmospheric photos. I love them. Have a great weekend

CRIZ LAI said...

I love how you shoot it Carver. Beautiful :)

candi said...

Beautiful shots! I too had hard time finding photos for low, your are great for the theme.

happy weekend.

expatraveler said...

I think this bridge looks really low also, just in the photo though.. Very cool find!

eastcoastlife said...

I try not to feature people in the low too. :P

Enjoy your trip with your daughter!

Corey~living and loving said...

great take on the theme. I'm interested to see all the different takes this week.

happy weekend.

Anonymous said...

Low clouds are a great choice for the theme :)

jmb said...

Those are good shot for the theme Carver. How can it have been so difficult?
Happy weekend

julie said...

Dramatic, yes, this is how I found the photos :)

Nicole said...

I think those shots are cool.
The perspective with the bridge makes them really great :)

YTSL said...

Great take, Carver! Also, the bridge appears to be on the low side in the first photo - as though higher vehicles, e.g., double-decker buses, would not be able to pass under it. :)

bonggamom said...

Don't forget the low bridge (or at least it looks that way to me)!

Gemma Wiseman said...

You have some low clouds here but that is quite a low slung bridge too! Great idea!

Bim said...

I think 'low on the horizzon' is a fair take...and the bridge looks quite low too :)
Happy weekend!

Unknown said...

No, that's not a stretch. There are all kinds of ways to capture "low" -- although at first I thought it would be impossible. Those are nice shots you've posted.

Teena in Toronto said...

Great colours!

I played too :)

gengen said...

Very good idea for the theme and happy weekend. Mine is here.

Rebecca Mecomber said...

Marvelous shots. I love the curvature of the terrain.

Mine is up. I hope you can come visit!
New York Photo Hunt

lissa said...

low clouds, low bridge, works great for photohunt

Sandi @the WhistleStop Cafe said...

This was a hard week for me too!
Happy hunting~

Brita said...

Beautiful shots! Great take on the theme

Jocelyn said...

Interesting--the theme certainly brings out a different perspective on the shots.

My first thought on this theme was a lowered car. Those are tough to get on a tow truck:)

RJ Flamingo said...

It looks like that car in the first shot was driving directly into those clouds. Nice entry, Carver!

Patricia said...

Creative thinking, Carver. Hope you have time to stop by the creek and see what I found low in my archives.

Colin Campbell said...

Nice shots.

Carletta said...

As I looked through photos I had some clouds I thought would work. Wasn't sure how it would be taken so I'm glad you did it!
Nice shots too!

EG CameraGirl said...

Nice take on the theme, Carver!

SabineM said...

Great Take on the THEME!!!!!

Ayie said...

it can be low or sky watch also since i was drawn to the clouds looking at the car. beatiful capture