Last weekend I was in Boone and Blowing Rock, NC for a family reunion. One thing I noticed was how green everything was. A year ago during this same time of year I was in a similar area of the NC mountains and the statewide drought we had for about a year had taken its toll.
I took the shots in this post at the Moses H. Cone Memorial Park and it was nice to see how well the plants are doing. During the drought even the rhododendrun were dying but there is no sign of any of that now.
There were quite a few people riding horses on the trails from the manor house to bass lake. However, none were riding around the lake like last time I was there because there were signs saying no horses on that part of the trail. I hyphothesized about whether they decided to change that policy to avoid all the dung on the lake part of the trail. Dung is definitely a part of nature and can be beneficial when broken down for compost.
I suppose I'll stop here. If I'm going to start talking about dung in my nature notes, perhaps I don't need to continue. This might get too earthy.
Wow, this landscape is so lush and green - beautiful!
The land which is lush and green owes a lot to dung, just sayin'
Wow, what a beautiful place! That first shot looks like a little bit of cloud has come down and set up housekeeping on that glorious green hill.
Thanks for stopping by at mine, and for your nice comment. Sorry the photos wouldn't load -- they're just dry tallgrass and Queen Anne's lace.
What a beautiful and lush place!
What would we do without water?
Wonderful outdoor scenery! And talking of drought, Victoria in Australia has just been declared the most drought afflicted state in Australia! Amazing when we are so far south!
Very beautiful place!
I love that last shot. I think Daryl has the right idea with her comment. :)
Very nice nature post Carver.
But dung is part of nature Your photos really due show a very lush landscape. What fun to be able to ride horses along the path. Maybe horse riders should be required to carry those pooper scoopers like dog owners do..OK..time for me to go to bed, I am getting silly....Thank you for posting Carver...Michelle
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