Photohunt: Hope
To me there are few things that I find more hopeful than a stand of with loads of seeds in the winter. They represent new life to come in the spring and they also provide food from the birds foraging for a meal.
Snap2Days (my parallel lives hope PH post with Sabine). The home of Photohunters to find other photohunt posts on Saturday. Wishing everyone a happy weekend.
Hi Carver! Nice entry this week;) Hope you had a great holidays!
Happy New Year!
That's a wonderful way to look at hope. New life springs from seeds. They bring hope of new life.
Glad to see you back Carver dear. I hoped you had a great vacay from blogging.
Good take.
Welcome back....I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and a fantastic New's hoping your goal for walking continues to be a success for you....
and your photos as always are so enjoyable....all the best!
Lovely idea for the theme :) Happy new year!
Good idea Carver for the theme which was not so easy. Happy weekend.
Definitely a hopeful mark.
The hope on the sign of life... how perfect. :)
Perfect choice for photohunt theme... Mine's up now hope you can drop by. Happy New Year!
I will enjoy seeing your photos this year.
Nice take on the theme. It won't be long before things are back in bloom agin. Happy weekend
Great photo for this week Carver. Hapy New year! :)
Beautiful entry for this week!
Happy 2009!
seeds are a great potential for a future life, i agree. an even barren land hides life and beauty... love this.
Lovely photo and a wonderful way to connect winter with hope. Hope you have a very happy new year!
Interesting idea Carver. All those hopeful seeds waiting for the right conditions to grow. Have a great 2009.
To see life in the midst of death is a real gift. Thanks for sharing the hope.
Hi Carver --
Great to see you photo hunting on your own site once more! :)
i have been traveling n therefore not surfing much. I am home now. When I saw yr link, I just had to come n say hello. I missed visiting yr blog n especially yr photos.
Seeds of hope :)
A nice interpretation for this week's theme!
Wonderful post! Even in dried grasses there is hope.
I so agree and my post is up too
great choice, happy new year :-)
I thought you would hope for something for yourself. :)
Happy New Year Carver!!
Just goes to show, you can find hope anywhere, even in the dead of winter.
Oh yes this is also a good take for the theme. Good fruit come from a good seed. happy weekend. TC
this is a very nice take not only for the theme but for "winter" and seeing it from another perspective, that of what is to come- the promise of spring...
Love your take on the theme, it shows your love for nature!
Hope you have a fantastic 2009, Carver, here's to happy blogging!
Here we are are just moving into the harvesting season - all our trees and plants have seeded and the little honey eaters are flying around looking for, and bickering over, their mates for the season :)
That's a very nice take for this week's theme. The hope of a new life.
Have a Blessed 2009!
This is wonderful :)
If birds are able to fend for themselves then there is more hope for people who can do greater things :)
Wishing you the best for 2009 :)
great idea for this theme.
happy weekend and happy new year!!!
Good one...nature really does commune with us, doesn't it!
Excellent concept Carver!
Mine's's 'for the birds'
Great way of depicting hope! Nice photo.
Happy New Year!
That is a great take on the theme. I think of farmers whose livelihood is in their crops and the hope they must feel during planting.
Very good... happy new year, Carver!
Welcome back, and you have chosen a great picture for the theme.
Nice of you to think of the feeders have been so busy..
Wonderful! And so true! The hope that lies within a seed. I do hope you had a wonderful Christmas, Carver, and that your new year is filled with hope for the future.
Nice entry. :) I always enjoy your PHs.
I 'hope' you get a chance to come see my post and leave your link.
Happy New Year!
Nice sentiment!
I played too :)
Nice to see you back Carver. I hope you enjoyed the holidays. Love the idea of seeds creating new life in the spring and providing food for the birds. Happy New Year!!
Hi Carver! I have tried to re-enter back into the Phot Hunt this week...I liked your take on the word Hope! Please come and visit soon!
What a nice entry for hope! Glad to see you back and hope you had a lovely holiday season!
I love this perspective! So do the birds in my yard. ;)
Yes, that is one way of looking at hope. Great post and happy new year.
Great picture and thought
Lovely shot! I love winter.. I love Spring too, but I like to enjoy my winter while it lasts because once spring, that means Summer is just around the corner!
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