Thank You and Ending the Year on a Positive Note
I want to thank everyone who has visited and commented on my blog over the past year and I appreciated the holiday comments and well wishes during my break from blogging. I hope everyone had a pleasant Christmas if that's a special time for you and for those with other important days during December, I hope they were a happy time.
As the year has wound down, I tried something a little different. Rather than think ahead to goals for the new year, I decided to set end of year goals. I knew that if I made a commitment to take a walk each day, for the last week of December, I should be able to achieve that goal. Today was day six of taking a pleasant walk each day, and it makes me feel good to have done what I decided to do for the last six days of December.
For the most part the weather has cooperated. The snow storms which have been hitting north and west of me, were rain here. Now that it's cold enough to snow, it's clear again. I was happy that I was able to walk around the rain since we were mostly getting afternoon or morning showers but having long enough stretches in between to get outside.
The other goal I set for the end of December was to write in a paper journal by hand each morning. Since I started blogging in 2006, I have to a large extent stopped writing in a journal. There is something therapeutic to me about being propped up in bed with pen to paper while drinking my morning coffee which I have missed.
I also made some other end of year goals which I have managed to achieve. Small baby step types of goals but good to get a little motivation. The only New Year's goal I have is to try each week to decide what I want to be sure that I accomplish in addition to work for the upcoming week. Somehow, I think that is better than trying to make longer term plans.
I hope everyone has a happy, healthy, peaceful and productive year ahead. Happy Last day of 2008!
Thanks for your friendship and I hope you have a wonderful New Year.
A very Happy New Year to you Carver!!
Glad to have you back blogging.
Happy New Year to you.
Happy New Year to you Carver. May it be a great one for you.
Happy New Year Carver!
Welcome back!!
I like the idea of weekly goals instead of yearly. They sound much more doable.
Here's wishing you a happy New YEar, Carver
I like that idea...I may do that instead of the beginning of the year goals that never work out. I hope that 2009 is a happy one for you. May there be great advances in medicine to help us both..Michelle.
Carver, you seem peaceful and positive at this end of year. I hope 2009 will be happy and healthy for you. I was glad to hear from you on my blog. Let's keep in touch! :)
Wishing you a wonderful New Year. Congratulations to all the goals you have achieved. May 2009 usher in many blessings. God bless.
Happee Noo Yeer, Frend,
I luff yer prettee pitchers so veree musch. It is gud to see yew bloggin' agin. Do yew haff a noo dog? He looks kewl.
I think weeklee goels are musch more attaneabull; I will try to 'member that. Yep. I yewsally attane 2 or 3 naps befour going to sleep for the day. I haff a nice wawk befour and after too. So goels are eazee for me.
I haff awlso been working on my handrighting, or I guess I shood say pawrighting. It is getting bedder, but I red sumwhere that it is uneekly hooman. My seester, EmmaDog, has gud handwriting. I think she may not axtuallee be a dog after all...H-m-m-m. But she is my seester. ARGH!!!
I haff to go now ponder my eggsitance...I gess that is a gud thing for the Noo Yeer.
I think I remane...
A Verree Gud Dog.
Luff, Abbey...DOG???
Never lose an opportunity of seeing anything beautiful, for beauty is God's handwriting.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
A Death In The Blogger World
A blogger friend lost her husband suddenly last Sunday night. I thought it would be nice to go and leave a message for her on her blog...You may know her as 'mommanator' at grannies ramblings
nice to see you back :)
happy new year, carver!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, Carver. Getting to know you and your part of our country through your blog is always a pure pleasure. Thank you.
Hi Carver!!
Good to see you back in blogging.
I hope you'll enjoy your walks very much this year, and writing on your journal by hand with a cup of coffee in the morning sounds good to me :)
All the best to you in 2009 my dear friend :)
Excellent resolutions. I like the idea of making them manageable and achievable.
You know, this was a really good idea of yours, to take a short break and set yourself some goals for it. So much more positive than pottering about which is sadly what I did.
Very best wishes for the coming year.
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