I have gotten terrible about getting around to posting about tags but when Teacher Julie tagged me for the Sunset or Sunrise Tag, I had to go ahead and do it before I forgot. You can see Julie's post at sunset skies photos and learn more about the tag. I was tagged to post some sunrise or sunset photos from NC where I live. My first photo is a sunrise from February 13, 2007. I was standing in my driveway facing North East. The next one is a sunset in February 27, 2007 and I'm facing south west, standing in my front yard. It's almost surreal. The top right light is actually the lamp post and the sun is setting in the bottom left. I'm pretty sure I already posted the next one but it's one of my favorites. I'm standing in the middle of my road facing south west while the sun set. It was taken July 20, 2007.The next one is two days later facing the same way at the same time of day but the setting sun was hidden by the clouds.The next sunset is yet another one taken August 30, 2007 from the same place but in spite of the clouds I got a lot of color. The next one is October 27, 2007 and is a sunrise taken from my driveway.If you would like to participate in this sunrise/sunset tag, consider yourself tagged by me and visit Teacher Julie'sSunset Skies Photos to learn more. Please leave a comment here to let me know if you do it so I can visit your sunrise or sunset photos. My apologies to people who have tagged me and I haven't participated. I have trouble fitting in extra blog posts sometimes and then I forget to do them. This was a natural for me because I LOVE sunrise and sunset skies.
Carver! The photos are so wonderful and I am in awe! Even my son who is beside me now (yeah, its 10pm and he is still awake) said "Wow!"
I particularly like the third photo. The colors are so bright, so vibrant! I knew that you would show these kinds of photos and I am glad I chose you to do this.
Thanks for sharing your sunset photos. You need not go far to see these as these are all from where you live. NC must be a wonderful place to live in.
I will forward your link to MegaMom who started the meme. She has also wonderful sunset photos in her blog.
the color in that 3rd photo is nice - they are all beautiful - i love to see a sun rise or a sunset - tho i'm not an early riser so i mostly see the setting...
Carver, I love, love the second photo. I really thought the light from the lamp post is the setting sun. Anyway, I have a blog badge for you. I hope you can check it out in my blog. Thanks. :)
The sunrise pictures were just awesome- we don't get really great sunrises out here in CA, however our sunsets are pretty spectacular-but these days go by so fast anymore, blink and they are over.
Great tag, maybe on vacation I will condsider me tagged and go out to shoot some pictures.
These are beautiful photos Carver. I was tagged by Julie too but I have nothing in my archives and there will be no sunsets or sunrises of interest here for a very long time.
Thanks Mar and I'll look forward to seeing yours when you have time to post them. I bet you get some amazing sunrise and sunsets in Spain. For that matter, I remember an amazing one you took from the air.
Carver! The photos are so wonderful and I am in awe! Even my son who is beside me now (yeah, its 10pm and he is still awake) said "Wow!"
I particularly like the third photo. The colors are so bright, so vibrant! I knew that you would show these kinds of photos and I am glad I chose you to do this.
Thanks for sharing your sunset photos. You need not go far to see these as these are all from where you live. NC must be a wonderful place to live in.
I will forward your link to MegaMom who started the meme. She has also wonderful sunset photos in her blog.
Thanks Jule, I really enjoyed this tag. I'll check out MegaMom's site soon and see her sunset photos. This is a fun one. Take care, Carver
the color in that 3rd photo is nice - they are all beautiful - i love to see a sun rise or a sunset - tho i'm not an early riser so i mostly see the setting...
Thanks TNchick and I've been sleeping later myself. I'm not up for the sunrise as much as I used to be so sunset is an easier target for me.
Carver, I love, love the second photo. I really thought the light from the lamp post is the setting sun. Anyway, I have a blog badge for you. I hope you can check it out in my blog. Thanks. :)
Thanks Lynn, I keep thinking the light post is the sun too when I glance at that picture. I'll come check out the badge. Thanks a bunch.
The sunrise pictures were just awesome- we don't get really great sunrises out here in CA, however our sunsets are pretty spectacular-but these days go by so fast anymore, blink and they are over.
Great tag, maybe on vacation I will condsider me tagged and go out to shoot some pictures.
fun tag!
These are beautiful photos Carver. I was tagged by Julie too but I have nothing in my archives and there will be no sunsets or sunrises of interest here for a very long time.
Hi Theresa, You should definitely consider yourself tagged by me and post some sunrise, sunset pictures when you get time. I'll enjoy seeing them.
Hi JMB, This one was easy for me because I have a ton of sunrise/sunset pictures. My problem was narrowing it down.
Your pictures are gorgeous! and some of them so dramatic, I love them all.
I was tagged too, and now you've put pressure on me, lol!
Thanks Mar and I'll look forward to seeing yours when you have time to post them. I bet you get some amazing sunrise and sunsets in Spain. For that matter, I remember an amazing one you took from the air.
I always enjoy looking at your photos. Thanks for sharing.
Hang in there, and have a great holiday.
Live Strong
Heather's Jim
Dear Jim,
Thank you so much for visiting. I think about you and your children often. Heather was such an inspiration to so many of us. As ever, Carver
Back to let you know I posted mine here,, it was a needed distraction...
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