I thought I'd post some recent shots of my clivia miniata blooms now that the flower stalk has grown and more of the flowers are open.
This plant is native to southern Africa and is grown indoors where I live.
It can be planted outdoors in USDA zones 9 through 11. Since I live in USDA zone 7, it isn't recommended to be planted outside here. I've had this plant since 2006 and it has given me a lot of pleasure. It hasn't bloomed every year but having something green and healthy inside is fun even when it doesn't bloom.
Click for the home of Today's Flowers.
These warm colours are a joy for such a grey day here...
God bless you!
Lovely! I gave up on indoor plants as soon as my first child was born. I stick to using nature as an aid for when I forget about them.
So glad you posted this again Carver. It is very exotic looking and just look at all those buds waiting to open - lovely!
Wow these is beautiful!! Thanks for sharing.
Kim, USA
Beautiful flowers. Not seen them before.
Great shots. You would be astonished to see them flowering in Sydney with a warm moist climate they make a huge splash of colour in parks and gardens of high rise flats.
it has grown a lot since last week. Great flowers and great shots. :)
I was not familiar with this plant
It has given me a lot of pleasure just looking at the picture! Beautiful flower and my favorite color. I guess it would grow outside here.
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