
Friday, October 14, 2011

Photohunters: Public

I went to a public park to vote for candidates in a local election this week.
The races for public office included Mayor, City Council, and School Board.
The place where I vote is in my neighborhood and includes a public community center (that's the part I vote in), public swimming pool, park and greenway trails.
It is more pleasant doing my public duty on a pretty day when I can walk to the public park to vote but I still managed to take a few shots in spite of the rain.
Click for the home of photohunters.


Sue said...

Looks like a lovely place to go and vote. Here we either vote at our local church or our old town hall. Hopefully the best candidates will win :) Happy weekend Carver and happy photo hunting!

MaR said...

It is indeed a lovely place to go and vote!! I vote at a public elementary school, but it isn't as nice as your place.
Happy weekend, Carver!

LifeRamblings said...

the polling place does look very inviting. may the best candidates win.

Photo Cache said...

I could linger in a place like that long after I had voted.

Happy weekend.

jams o donnell said...

Wow that is a much more attractive place to vote than the place I go to -- a church hall. Great take on the theme

ancient one said...

And I vote in the local community building that is used by the public. Great take on the theme.. and pretty pictures in the rain.. Have a great weekend!

YTSL said...

It doesn't look rainy at all in the photos! Must have been just a drizzle, Carver! :b

eastcoastlife said...

I voted in a school. Wish it was a much better place after seeing these pictures. :(

Crafty Green Poet said...

here we vote at a local primary school, which has some pretty trees growing around it and if you're lucky some interesting birds, but your route to vote looks much prettier!

Karin said...

I love the last picture.