I had a lot of shots of my Iris that I haven't posted which comes in handy for winter posts when flowers are scarce.
I don't have any flowers blooming now so they are not only scarce but non existent.
I have less and less iris returning in the spring and I know part of the problem is I need to divide and rework the beds.
It's physically hard for me to to anything terribly strenuous in the garden at this point in my life.
Fortunately I still have some flowers continuing to return and hang tough in spite of neglect.
I love iris and have a number of other varieties but these are the ones I saw in my April photo folders. There are probably others in May and maybe June.
Since last week I posted some March 2010 flowers, I thought I'd go with April this week and I'll probably keep going through the flowers of 2010 until I have something blooming in 2011.
I like how each iris looks a little different even when it's the same variety. This post included three different varieties.
Click for the home of today's flowers.
Oh I was surprised and thought they're blooming earlier there! :) beautiful...Van Gogh's Irises is my favorite painting...
Beautiful flowers
all are very beautiful but my favorites are the last
The purple ones are amazing.
The purple iris reminds me of the Himalayan Iris which grows wild in the Himalayas in April.
Beautiful flowers. First one is terrific.
Did I mention that I miss summer? Your photographs are making miss it even more. I about cried when I saw the first 2. Just beautiful.
So pretty!
My Flower entry, have a blessed Sunday!
How beautiful and I hope it will be back by summer!
Gorgeous Iris!
My entry.
So funny Carver..I just posted a much needed photo of an iris on this cold day...yours are beautiful...
wow! it's spring already here! nice shot carver.
You have a variety of iris.
I know only the purple and white.
All very beautiful.
In a tropical country, like mine, we have flowers all year.
They are lovely and fragile looking.
That first one is the most gorgeous purple!
Stunning irises. Some I recognize; some I don't. All are beautiful.
I know the feeling, there is hardly anything left in my garden except my roses and a few hardy shrubs. If you can't do it, you can't do it. That too is part of life. We just jave to enjoy what we have left.
The colours are lovely and look very crisp. Thanks for sharing them with us.
Here in the upper Midwest it is snowing, so I think I picked the best day to look at these. How bright in a dreary day! Great choice: thanks.
Wonderful feeling here all because your beautiful flowers, thanks a lot!
Léia :)
Essas fotos são maravilhosas! A primeira flor azul está explêndida!
all so beautiful! those colors are just so vibrant, awesome! Ready for spring NOW!
I love Iris. They fascinate me with their finesse and colours :)
I love Iris. They fascinate me with their finesse and colours :)
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