I've been photographing a lot of "purple" flowers this week but decided none were purple enough for the theme. I went to my archives and found some deep purple flowers.
The shot above is of my black beauty hollyhocks which were lost in a drought. In spite of their name I think they are a rich purple. So many of my flowers which I think of as purple are actually more of a violet or blue shade. Even purple cone flower are more of a pinkish shade.
My purple clematis above was another casualty of the 2007-2008 drought. The purple morning glory below hasn't started blooming yet this year but I will have plenty of them later in the summer.
Photohunters post their links at the home of the hunt beginning Saturday mornings.
Very pretty and they look purple to me :) Hopefully it will be a good growing season this year and fingers crossed for just the right balance of rain and sunshine. :) Happy photo hunt and happy weekend! I played too.
Wow.. lovely purple color.. I like purple too.
Happy Hunting~
You sure know how to keep your garden colorful. :)
My kind of purple, Carver, beautiful shots. Enjoy your weekend.
you've such a beautiful backyard. love all the purple blooms. Happy weekend.
Ah, you got some of my most favorite flowers there. I can smell them :)
I went the floral route too, since I can't remember any purple that I had photographed in the past. I too have a purple clematis, they are so pretty aren't they.
Have a lovely weekend.
Very purple and beautiful! :)
God bless you!
That is a glorious selection of flowers Carver. I can't wait for our morning glories. They always look like they have the sun at their hearts! Happy weekend
That morning glory photo is awesome!
Lots of purple in your garden Carver. And violet would qualify in my mind for this too if desperate.
Have a good weekend Carver
Dear CarverFriend,
Those are all such lovely shades of purple! We are surrounded by purple at our house. Purple dishware, artwork with purple that used to go in our purple dining room, a purple cell phone...AND that very morning glory picture you posted upon this entry adorns the screen saver on one of our laptops.
You could say tht our KimPerson is quite mad for purple. And she does so love that morning glory.
My favorites of our purple collection are the bowls that contain my meals and water. Yes, even our pet bowls are purple. I would not want to eat from something that clashed with the decor because, Dear Carver,
I am a very good dog.
Love, Emma
what a beautiful shade of purple and what beautiful flowers. Enjoy your weekend!
Purple flowers can be so lovely. Am so glad that Mother Nature likes that color so much that she's created a lot of varieties of purple flowers. :)
Very pretty blooms!!!
Happy Weekend.
Your plants are perfect... I chose clematis for my purple also.
those are beautiful flowers indeed!
Happy weekend! :)
A beautiful purple selection! I love Hollyhocks...I remember playing with the flowers as a child...turned upside down, they were fancy ladies in gorgeous gowns at a ball!!!!
No wonder they're called Black Beauties, they are so dark a purple.
My PhotoHunt is here: New Shoes
Beautiful! I was stunned by the third photo. :D
Mariposa's PH!
I so love hollyhocks now I have 4 kinds and just planted this year and they blossom right away. Great shot thanks for sharing!
Purple blossom
I'd love to see your garden if these are the kinds of flowers it has!
My purple post is up
I think all of those shades are purple! But your photos are gorgeous. Especially the morning glory with the sun's glory right there radiating from the center. I'm so sorry you had a drought like that.
Wonderful purple closeups. I very much like the closeup of the morning glory.
I *think* i have one of these flowers coming up in my garden. for some reason every year I get some sort of random flower that appears from no where. though these are yellow. hmmm maybe they are sunflowers. I know that they are very tall and it appears that all the stairstepped buds will be flowering all at once.
How did you photograph the morning glory? It's incredible.
Thanks to everyone for visiting and to answer the question about how I shot the morning glory, I used a macro lens setting.
Yay! You showed one of my favorite shots in your Purple sequence - the Beam Me Up Scotty flower! : )
Those are pretty flowers. I love the color.
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