The first shot is of a neighbor's flowers that I pass on the way out of my neighborhood. If my neighbors notice me, I'm sure they wonder why I slow down and point my camera at their driveway. The next two shots were taken at stop lights around town (Raleigh, NC).
I'm moving backyards with this post. The first three shots in this post were taken this May.
The next two shots were taken at the end of April when I was looking for a parking place at North Carolina State University.
I love the cluster of iris below. I have a few of the same iris at my house but mine are mixed with other iris as well as lilies.
The rest of the drive by shots were taken in March of this year when I was out and about.
I always enjoy the daffodils in early spring and miss them now they have all finished blooming.
The next three shots are in my neighborhood and it's kind of funny how much I do drive by flower shooting close to home.
The vantage point of a car makes me look in a different way than I do when walking. I'm also not quite as shy when photographing from the car. The good thing about drive by shooting near home is I can slow down almost to a stop and take quick shots when there aren't any other cars around. I don't do it if someone is behind me.
The last shot is of a Durham, NC park with the Durham city farmer's market pavilion showing. The area in the shot is conveniently located at the end of one of the parking lots for the company I work for. Normally I work from home but I go to the Durham office from time to time for photo opportunities, oops, I mean for meetings or to pick up work.
To view flowers from around the world, please visit the home of Today's Flowers.
I do drive by photography every now and then, but I make sure, no cop is following, or else, I might get a ticket.
Very nice neighborhood.
Beautiful garden of flowrs.
What a lovely sequence of shots. I'm quite sure your neighbours would be very flattered to realise you were taking photos of their gardens :-)I like the sculpture in your last photo.
They are all lovely flowers. I love the pansies, daffodils and the irises are all my favorites.
What a lovely town you live in...gardens galore! Very nice...be careful taking these "drive-by" photos!
very colourful and lively series.
Such beautiful captures.
Thank you for sharing.
Wonderful flower tour! I do a lot of drive-by and stoplight photography. You can get a lot of nice shots that way. Love the iris and daffodils!
Oh what a grand collection of shots. It is amazing how much beauty we see on our daily drives. I always keep an eye out too for favourites along my route. I was devastated when 2 out of four wonderful Prunus persicum disappeared. A house changes hands and the new owners just chop down a tree without knowing what it is and why it is there and my heart just bleeds.
That bed of Narcissi is just divine and the lovely blue of the Irises.
Nice place to visit... best place to click!
Your drive-by shots are great fun. Raleigh is such a good-looking city!
I was also thinking your city keeps things looking beautiful - your neighborhood too.
Beautiful shots Carver.
i like that place, so neat and love those bricks
oh..i love it the second one...an excellent view
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