When she was growing up, my daughter used to tease me and suggest that I should step outside rather than rely on daily weather reports.

Thursday morning of this week I checked the daily weather report which said there were isolated snow flurries.

The photographs in this post were all taken this Thursday while the daily weather said there were only flurries. Granted, it didn't amount to much but it amused me that it was pouring down snow at the same moment the daily weather was saying it was only going to be a few flurries.

You can find other photohunters at the home of the hunt where participants post beginning Saturday morning.
Looks like flurries to me! *laughs* Maybe the weather guy's a Yankee.
This is a little more than flurries, even by Canadian standards. :)
Our weather forcasters must have gone to the same school as yours. They predicted light showers, but it has been pouring rain for hours.The dogs and I just came back soaked from our morning walk in the park. The dogs don't care what the weather report (or the weather) is. I care, as I wring out my gloves and hang my dripping coat in the laundry room.
Snow....gosh can't say that I have missed it this year. It has been so mild here....bad for the Olympics, great for me getting around.
Great photos!
I´m happy to see that I`m not the only one to check the daily weather report during the winter. This winter has been the worst I´ve ever experienced.
Let´s hope the spring will come soon.....!
I wish you a snow free weekend!
wow...lots snow :D We also check daily weather.
Mine is here: http://www.julianarw.com/2010/02/sjoelen.html
I check it daily as well.
Nice wintry landscapes you still have.
Wow, you got a lot more than I did! I got the "dusting" they were calling for.
I check the weather daily too. Often more than once a day. :) Have a great weekend.
Wow! I love all the shots. The snow there did not cause much problem for you right? I hope so. :)
Great shots. It still looks a little cold for my liking! Have a great weekend
It has been eight years since I have been in snow. Lovely shots.
i used to find it weird that my grandfather needed to check the weather news every morning. now i understand.:p
i remember being in HK and work was suspended for the day, there were no people in the streets--there was a storm signal no. 8 and it was a lovely day.:p
Cute how your daughter told you that lol. I'd prefer such amount of snow than the ones we had the past month...good thing they've melted on our part...(Great opp for photos though!)
The weather report station is one of my best friend. I require their assistance in my job. But I must say they're pretty UNRELIABLE!! :P
Wow, the snowing really is continuing... February 2010 sure looks like a snowy as well as cold month for many Photo Hunters. But the end is in sight as come Monday, it'll be March already!
Ugly weather you are having this year. But you got some good shots for the theme. I, on the other hand, basically ignored it. LOL
I can relate to your daughter... My mother watches the Weather Network all day, every day, and is always warning me about the forecast (which is right about half the time). I prefer not to worry about the weather.
Unless I had a tornado bearing down on me, I figure that I can handle anything Mother Nature has to offer me and the Weather Network isn't going to be able to warn me about a tornado, anyway.
I miss PH and I also miss your entry, Carver! Love your entry!
here's my entry
i only check the weather when it's bad :-)
nice photos!
Every day Cezar gets up early in the morning, prepares the breakfast for all ( including to little Luna ) ,a snack for Marina to take it to school, and ...Finally he ALWAYS check the news about weather report on the Internet. :)
Adorable pictures, specially the first one!
Have a nice Sunday
nice story behind the post. it reminded me of something that i used to do when i was living overseas. i also checked weather reprot....but not where i was...but...weather report of my country..thinking what's it like over there. :)
love ur photos. happy weekend! :)
nice post. i woke up to it again here in new england, but not much luckily.
maybe it is the mother of all flurries, Carver, LOL :D
happy weekend!
Looks gorgeous what ever its called truly great shots.
I'd hate to be a weather person, they seem to be wrong so often!
Mine's up, too.
So... hearing the daily weather forecast and viewing the daily weather makes for a daily chuckle or two, eh? ;) I once heard that the weather reports were accurate 50% of the time, as much as flipping a coin!
Here in Central New York, I think the weather dudes are pretty accurate, however. We are as far east before the ocean, and since 90% of our weather comes from the west, it's not too difficult to track the flow.
beautiful photos! I played, too.
Yes, that's very definitely more than a flurry! I'm a weather forecast addict too. They say, in the area we live, that we're so close to France that we're better looking at the forecast for the other side of the Channel. Two forecasts to check!
thanks for your visit, and have a great weekend.
But why step outside BEFORE you know what it will be like? Tell you daughter to do it for you.
oh Carver..here tis the same....snow all the time...
this morning started to finish, but nor started to snow so much...
great shot..love it your new header, dear
have a nice day
Flurries, ha! You're wise to stay indoors :)
My Photo Hunt Post: http://bonggamom.blogspot.com/2010/02/daily.html
Only here in America I practice checking the daily temperature. Happy weekend!
My Daily Kitty
Yes, my husband does the same thing - in fact several times during the day.
February has provided some very unusual daily weather reports -- and daily weather -- this year. It's been strange in South Carolina.
What wonderful wintry views from your world ... so different from my own.
Hugs and blessings,
I love it when I turn on the radio and the announcer is saying "High temperature expected today of 47 degrees" and it's currently 53. Sorry I'm a day late getting to your post, but great take on the theme.
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