
Sunday, January 24, 2010

Today's Flower: Jumping the Gun

A warm spell has been giving the wrong signals to some trees, vines, perrenials and bushes. Activity that should be started in March is starting in January.

Please visit the home of Today's Flowers for more participants.


eileeninmd said...

Too bad it is not a sign the winter is ending early. Just wishful thinking on my part.

Carletta said...

The red of this bud is even more enhanced against that blue sky!
I hope you don't get a really cold spell now.

Coffeedoff said...

Lovely to see new growth, Hope it survives!

Chubskulit Rose said...

great shot!

Lucky Bamboo

MGMG said...

Oh, lovely how the sky is so clear too! The buds will surely thrive! Have a nice week!

Carolyn Ford said...

That will be a beauty soon, if not killed by more cold weather...the blue sky is great too.

Anonymous said...

OH OH! I guess I should be happy that it hasn't been that warm here in Ontario. :)

Quilt Works said...

Beautiful composition in the sprout
Lovely lovely colors and wonderful composition


XoXo said...

It's a beautiful flower? great colors...

SandyCarlson said...

That's an early sight! Poor ol' winter is in the midst of an identity crisis, I think.

Beautiful red in that.

Unknown said...

UhOh :(
Guess they'll have to pay for it when the next frost hits :(

Jeanne said...

Carver--love the bud against the sky. My honeysuckle vine has buds like this right now. I want to get out and try to take a few photos.

I pulled out my seeds today and started sorting out a few things to start (very early) indoors. I know it's too early, but starting seeds makes me feel like spring is almost here.

I think I'll start poppies (the ones that produce poppy seeds for breads and cakes--I've never successfully grown them from seed, but I keep trying) and maybe some carrots.

Cezar and Léia said...

Girl, I want Spring! :)
Very interesting, I hope these flowers can survive with all this cold winter.

Regina said...

Lovely bloom in blue sky.

Samantha ~ Holly and Zac ~ said...

Lovely shot.... i can't wait until things start to grow again here.

Smalltown RN said...

We really haven't had winter this year. Unlike last year when we were buriend in snow. This year when we need it for the Olympics the snow is not where it should be.

I saw the beginning of the tulips in my window boxes yesterday....I cant' believe it...well I can...we have had temps in the 13 and 14 celcius most of the winter..that is just crazy....

Ayie said...

some trees already bloomed here with white flowers...early spring =)

Happily Retired Gal said...

beautiful shot against the clear blue skies ... the same thing is happening here ;-)
Hugs and blessings,

mommanator said...

you should see my plants in FL look like they should be dug out and put to rest, I am gonna wait a bit I think they will come out ini the Spring or when we get warmer weather. The winter freeze was not good for them

Rambling Woods said...

You were afraid this was happening.. I hope the plants do OK....Michelle

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

I hope you won't get a cold snap and ruin the flowers. It happen in New Zealand a lot.