Construction technology was employed to create a river which runs through the campus. Beginning at the old train tracks and loading docks the water descends to the courtyards and has a number of layers and waterfalls.
The UNC public radio station is housed in the campus and technology makes it possible for the radio programs to be broadcast not only on conventional radios but also on the internet.
Digital camera technology and the internet brings you this post. For other participants, please visit the home of photohunters.
What an informative and beautiful post!
This subject is really interesting, I liked a lot this post, well done!
Lot's of information that I din know. Thanks for sharing. Happy hunting~
What an interesting post! Must be a very special place to visit. Thanks for sharing!
Happy weekend, Carver.
It is wonderful how today's technology helps us to connect. great take on the theme.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Wow have you ever got a jump on the theme this week...great photos and I like how you connected it all...well done...
Whoa... even the landscape for the whole place is real beautiful. Thanks for sharing Carver. :)
Congrats on a well prepared and interesting post for the theme, Carver!!
Happy PH, mine is here
Lovely post Carver and what a nice job they have done with that building.
Happy weekend to you.
I love that the river has been created on the campus. So much technology around, even in the means that the photos are taken. Happy weekend
Wow on those! Technology has really brought as far....happy weekend!
I am thankful for technology that I was able to meet wonderful virtual friends like you :)
have great weekend, Carver :)
Great post, Carver. Love the photos and the information I got from your accompanying commentary. And yes, it's very cool what has been done with the space and facilities. :)
very interesting carver! nice post!
happy thanksgiving!
Wow that is a great shot for today's theme. HAPPY HUNTING!
Definitely interesting. I feel like we've seen some of this area before, have we not? Hope your weekend is wonderful!
Great examples of different kinds of technology.
What a wonderful use of technology.
i love digital camera technology and internet! :p they bring me to places i can only dream about.
Wow! That's beautiful!
u did yr homework well. an interesting post Carver
I cannot imagine my life without all this modern technology. :)
Happy weekend!
So much of what makes it modern technology doesn't show.
what a lovely campus, and a lesson in technology on top of that.
Very cool! That would be a neat place to visit. I imagine working there can be calming... or maybe just the lunch breaks. :D
It's so good when we can use buildings instead of tearing them down, or just abandoning them!
Great post!!
I so love digital cameras, great post!
My technology share
Great post! So where did the big tobacco companies go? Did they close down?
I like the idea of renovating older buildings. Nice.
Thanks for visiting my Photo Hunt. Have a great weekend.
Mrs. Mecomber
New York Traveler.net
Good solution to the theme-challenge!
Reusing older buildings for new uses through technology!
Happy Weekend!
Thanks for visitng my blog and for commenting. To answer the question about where tobacco went when it left Durham, I'm not sure exactly how to answer except that American Tobacco which is the one that was in Durham was in part merged with other companies and they already had their plants other places. I think Winston Salem, NC still has a fairly large tobacco plant but in general tobacco is no longer the big business in NC that it once was.
It is so cool to see all the different takes on this theme. That is really interesting about the changeover from tobacco to technology.
Very interesting and beautiful!
An interesting set of photos
interesting info you have here. nice one.
Interesting take on technology. Glad to see the tobacco office taken over for better use. Cool little river and waterfall.
very informative post and plenty of technology entries! we really need technology for various things!
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