
Sunday, November 01, 2009

Today's Flowers: Late Bloomer

I have been watching the single bud on a volunteer black eyed susan (rudbeckia) plant closely, doubting it would bloom before the first hard freeze.


I am very pleased that it has bloomed, almost a full month after all the rest of my black eyed susan have already gone to seed. As a matter of fact, this plant was probably grown from one of those seeds on my other plants that a bird may have dropped in the pot on my deck.


When I first saw the plant growing in a pot whose other plant had already finished for the season, I assumed that there was no way it would grow fast enough to bloom before winter. However, when it did grow quite fast and a bud formed, I became fascinated with what seemed to be a race against time. The flower is a bit curled, perhaps since it's had to endure some chilly days and nights as well as less sunlight as the days shorten. However, I think it's quite charming in its late bloomer fashion. These shots were taken over the past few weeks with the last shot taken this week when it finally opened all the way.


For other participants, please visit the home of Today's Flowers.


Cezar and Léia said...

Wonderful shots, I love this energetic yellow!
It's so nice the story about this flower!
I need to confess I'm envious because I know nothing about gardening, and you know a lot!Thanks for this informative post!
God bless you
your friend

Nance said...

It's never too late to be a late bloomer! lol Susan is a beauty!
Very interesting post, Carver.

Ebie said...

I am glad you enjoyed it before the real cold weather comes!

They are always pretty in any season.

XoXo said...

Oh, this is a beautiful flower, I've never seen that close and what the center really looked like. Your shots are great.

Reader Wil said...

Beautiful and amazing that there are still so many flowers around, even when we had already a bit of frost. Thanks for your visit! Have a great week!

Carletta said...

Wonderful progression to the full bloom! I like the soft curly petals.
Nice shots Carver!

Gunilla said...

Beautiful yellow Rudbecia.
Thanks for sharing
Have a nice day

Gunilla in Sweden

Mimi Lenox said...

These are lovely.

Carver, write me. I want you to come to Bloggingham for BlogBlast For Peace on Thursday! I wasn't sure how things were going to go with my dad's illness so I didn't say too much about it...but so far, there are 2 other bloggers coming and we're going to live blog peace from here.
PLEASE tell me you can make it.


Randi said...

Lovely shots, Carver - I have never seen a yellow one before.
Thanks for sharing!

Laerte Pupo said...

You have a late bloomer and here we have the begining.
Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said...

That Rudbeckia has spunk! It must have been a very determined blossom...and it turned out pretty too.

Naturegirl said...

What a beautiful smile this flower puts out even though Jack Frost roses are doing well too.
Lovely sunny post while the winds blow outside my window.

Jan said...

Will triumphs! I just received some BES seeds from a friend in OH. I'm saving them for the spring.

ellen said...

Friendship is the most beautiful relationship on earth. Share this wonderful relationship with the most beautiful object on earth the flowers. Flower is the symbol of joy, love, happiness, and passion. Every flower has its own image and importance and its own emotion symbol.

Hello there, nice to be here..I will be glad to hear from you soon.

Chubskulit Rose said...

Lovely shots! What I like about BES is that they grow back every year..

You might know the names of some flowers that I have posted, coz I don't know them. Hope to see you!

LifeRamblings said...

great shots and an interesting post. those are such lovely blooms indeed.

Paula Werner Severo said...

You´ve got a beautifull blog! your photos are really nice! and this last post is specially good!.. this flower has a center very diferent and beautiful!

Regina said...

So cheerful and pretty!

Flowers said...

Rudbeckia looks awesome on your blog as it is the least four genera within the flowering plant family Asteraceae.

Gel said...

Pretty trio. Especially like that first one with some of the petals unfolding.


A late but beautiful bloomer! Nature is full of small wonders, every autumn I am amazed how some flowers manage to survive and bloom after the frost.

Beautiful captures of this sunny flower!

Bim said...

Hooray to the late bloomers!

Rambling Woods said... had me pulling for the flower too Carver said...

iF i NEED TO CALL THE NAME OF YOUR POST...i CAN SAY...misterious,.....
yES...i LOOK TO the flowers and see...misterious...magic...congrats
have a nice week

Ayie said...

so sunny yellow =)

Nicole said...

That's one tough pretty flower!