
Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Nature Notes and Signs of the Season - As the leaves fall

I find myself looking for trees which have dropped all or most of their leaves. Not long ago I was looking for the first leaves to change from green to red, yellow, or orange.

It is funny how my eyes and camera gravitate to the next change. I'm still enjoying the fall colors and there are still some trees yet to change colors but now the new fun is spotting the first of the bare limbs.


The birds are getting busier and busier. Not sure if it's because it's chilly or what motivates them but I notice a flurry of activity this time of year much like the spring flurry.


Part of the reason I like to see more and more trees losing their leaves is I find that I can get a new view point on the lake when I'm walking.

In the summer when the birds land on the ledge in front of my greenhouse and raised bed, they are protected from my view. This time of year as more of the leaves have dropped, and the roses are dying back, I can spot the birds like the one below when they land on the ledge (for want of a better word).

The ledge above is kind of like a top to a fence but there's no fence, just lines that support the roses. I suppose I could call it a trellis but that's not it either. I guess I'll stick with ledge.


The ducks below almost blend into the leaves. Not a very good shot but I like the feel of the array of multi colored leaves on the ground with the multi tones of the ducks.

I love the layers of textures against the sky. Some dense folliage, some very light, some bare, a bit of this and that.


I recently shot the turtles below and it's very similar to shots I got a month or two or three ago. I remember wishing the light didn't wash out the turtles so much. Once again, I ended up with washed out turtles. The problem is there isn't a trail on the other side of the water where the turtles hang out. I guess I could try different times of the day.


For other participants of Nature Notes and Signs of the Season, please visit Rambling Woods the host of these themes.


Nicole said...

I love to follow the progress of your autumn.
So beautiful!

Cezar and Léia said...

Hello sweet Carver
wow these pictures are wonderful indeed, I loved the tree silhouette with a fabulous blue sky at background but the last shot really touched my heart because I do love turtles and those ones are sooo gorgeous!
Great capture!

Squirrel said...

Wonderful selections for signs of the season/nature notes!

Anonymous said...

I find it fun to read your nature notes as your fall has come and gone after mine. I suppose the spring will be the other way around!

Ayie said...

that place is so full of nature! all the trees and animals around, you are so blessed to see such beauty!

Gel said...

mmm. This is a pretty series and peek into your thoughts. Autumn is my favorite season! I, too, notice the bare branches, when only recently I longed for color. As nature disrobes, it's a lovely site! It's fun to see the creatures that we used to only be able to hear, like the birds. I enjoyed your bird photos. I have a terrible time catching birds. (I hope getting a bird feeder up will make that a bit easier.)

Crafty Green Poet said...

lovely selection of photos, specially the birds.... I love autumn colours but like you say i enjoy the views when the leaves are down and the birds are easier to see too...

moosh said...

Lovely photos. A beautiful album of fall in your space. Thanks for sharing.

Rambling Woods said...

You gave me some inspiration to go and look at some of the changes of fall in a different light. That's what I like about this meme.. I am getting to look at nature through another nature lover's eyes.. great post Carver... Michelle

Caron said...

I was looking out my office window this week and thinking that the bare branches seem so pretty in their own way.

What are the turtles doing stretching out their necks like that? Besides stretching out thei necks, I mean. :)