
Friday, October 30, 2009

Photohunters: Bags

The photohunters theme this week is bags. My duaghter used to use this pumpkin bucket for her trick or treating bag. After she grew up, I used the pumpkin buket to hold the bags of candy I get for the neighborhood trick or treaters.


This year I've had trouble getting motivated for Halloween. I decided that I might not even carve a pumpkin for the first year ever. However, I like to have something on my front porch so the children know to come to my door for some candy out of the bags I always get. I decided that I could put flashlights in the pumpkin bucket with stuffed animals to prop them up for a funky jack o lantern. What do you think? Is it too weird? Just weird enough?


To visit other photohunters, please go to the home of the hunt where participants post starting Saturday.


Cezar and Léia said...

LOL adorable!
A bag with a Halloween mood and a bag with lots of lovely stuffs! :)
And it's so coloured.

life ramblings said...

it sure looks like a fun and colorful way to celebrate the occasion.
Happy Halloween!

Unknown said...

Oh I didn't even think about that! Very creative and perfect for the theme! :) Hope it's a good one for you guys... We are moving. :)

MaR said...

I think it is fun, Carver! the flashlights are a great idea!!
Happy Halloween!!

Photo Cache said...

I used to put my candies on a bag similar to that.

I have no "spirit" of Halloween this year too. But I'm going to give out candy as usual. However, except for a pumpkin that I put on our doorstep, I have no other decor.

Enjoy your weekend.

Ascender Rises Above said...

very cute... i did punkin heads today too. we are on the same thought wave lately

Randi said...

Very creative and fun, Carver.
Happy Halloween!

jmb said...

Great idea Carver. My post is Halloweenish too but not quite so nice.
Happy Halloween

Annie said...

It's weird AND wonderful - I love the way it looks.

Halloween has snuck up on me this year - no pumpkin and I usually carve one too. Hope you have some fun trick-or-treaters!

jams o donnell said...

Now that's a great jack o lantern.. and no pumpkins hurt in the process!

Pat said...

Love the pumpkin! Happy Halloween!

candi said...

I think it is very Halloweeny! I am in the mood for a bag of chocolate right now!

Napaboaniya.Elaine Ling said...

Upon seeing the pumpkin the kids will definitely not miss ringing ur door bell :)
Happy Halloween!!!

YTSL said...

It's just weird enough... but mind that some trick or treaters won't think that they prefer those stuffed toy treats to candy! :D

CRIZ LAI said...

Sounds real cute to me. Happy Halloween Carver. :)

Anonymous said...

An unusual choice - of course we in Australia do not do halloween very much. :)

julie said...

That is a cute one Carver, no need to tire yourself carving :)

Happy Halloween!

Bengbeng said...

halloween is such a cute tradition :)

yr bag looks scary though :) especially in a dark atmosphere hehe

Omiae said...

HAHA! They're just weird enough. :D Very interesting setting. Happy Halloween!

Unknown said...

That's a good use of the Halloween bucket.

Not going to carve a pumpkin this year? How could someone named Carver not be up to carving?!?!?!

Happy Halloween!

bing said...

that is creative! it looks more like a pail to me!

CY said...

Cute shots. Have a nice weekend and Happy Halloween. CY

Lisa said...

I don't know what your neighbors would say . . . but I like it. :-) I don't know how good that would make you feel though.

mommanator said...

not weird at all CUTE

Happily Retired Gal said...

Perfect choices for this week's theme! Happy Halloween ;-)
Hugs and blessings,

Alice Audrey said...

We've got one that looks a lot like it.

rdl said...

hope someone doesn't think that's the treat! :D

Susanne said...

Very creative. Gotta love the monkey!

Squirrel said...

It's unique, not weird. I like it =)

girasoli said...

What a festive decoration for your front porch. I think it is perfect :)
Happy Halloween!!

Rambling Woods said...

Clever idea.....

Ayie said...

we missed trick or treating here but we had fun attending a halloween birthday party!

Avory said...

Huh, well, I guess it's good I didn't see this till after Halloween, haha. That white bear has some personal significance to me. :-/ I hope it's ok.