
Sunday, November 29, 2009

Today's Flower: Camellia blossom way ahead of schedule

I couldn't believe it when I spotted a full bloom on this camellia bush last week. This bush normally starts setting its buds in late fall/winter but the blooms wait for early March. It looked so odd to spot one full bloom on an otherwise resting bush. I'm glad I took the picture before Friday night's frost.


Please visit the home of Today's Flowers for other paricipants.


Leora said...

Lovely photo of your bloom. I noticed yesterday that even some of my snapdragons, the last bright colors of my fall garden, are dying now. I had an azalea that bloomed in September.

Cezar and Léia said...

wow Camellia!!!!
It's wonderful,I have a nostalgic feeling now because it reminds me my dear mother, she loves this flower!
Thanks a lot for sharing!

Digital Flower Pictures said...

Plants do some funny things. We had several Azaleas and some forsythia blooming a couple of weeks ago.

Chubskulit Rose said...

That's beautiful!

Mine is up too

DeniseinVA said...

A special gift and a lovely photograph.

Jama said...

That is so beautiful!

Happily Retired Gal said...

Delightful find and beautiful capture of this lovely Camellia blossom with raindrops. It's a strange year for flowers isn't it. My irises are coming up already ... MONTHS ahead of schedule. It worries me for Spring.
Hugs and blessings,

Jeanne said...

Hi Carver--I've seen camellias do that in Seattle, I think because our weather can get unexpectedly warm and then cold and rainy again.

They usually don't last.

This one is gorgeous. I'm nostalgic about camellias too, because we had a bush by the back porch when I was a kid.

Light and Voices said...

Lovely shy Camaellia blossom. That flower is so "cute" hiding behind those leaves.

Anonymous said...

What a weird year for weather! The camellia is such a lovely shade of pink.

Jack and Joann said...

I posted pink camellias today too. I'm in Virginia. Where are you?

SandyCarlson said...

A beautiful, modest blossom. Gorgeous.

life ramblings said...

what a lovely bloom Carver

Anonymous said...

The camellia looks hidden, nice that you found it and brought it glory sharing it with us :)

NicoleB Egypt said...

Glad you could capture this Beauty before the frost ate it!

mommanator said...

Pretty pretty!

Ascender Rises Above said...

i have some very confused tulips coming up under my orange tree that won't stop blooming. we are to be in a el nino year but have only seen a couple of rainy days

MaR said...

So beautiful!!

XoXo said...

Wow, i like the beautiful drops of water on it...

Dee said...

It would be great to see a flower this time of year!

Ayie said...

that will be your lucky flower =)